2016 AIChE Annual Meeting

(439a) Optimal, Flexible and Feasible Heat Exchanger Network Design Under Severe Uncertain Industrial Operation Conditions


Gai, H. - Presenter, Lamar University
Zheng, K., Lamar University
Lou, H. H., Lamar University
1Engineering Department, Crop Science Division of Bayer, Institute, WV, 25112

2Dan F. Smith Department of Chemical Engineering, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710


Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) synthesis plays an important role in improving the economic performance and energy efficiency of industrial plants, and has been the subject of numerous investigations during the past decades. However, traditionally, most of the research focuses on the design based on determined condition. The operational flexibility and feasibility are less discussed. Chemical process and its production are complex and flexible. Production rate, utility stream quality, process stream temperature, ambient weather condition, and various other uncertain factors, will cause disturbances to the heat exchanger network operation. In this presentation, the authors propose a novel approach for optimal, flexible, and feasible HEN design considering the severe operation uncertainties. It utilizes the Probability Bounds Analysis (PBA) theory to model the uncertain industrial operation conditions, double loop method to sample the uncertainty, and Aspen Energy Analyzer for optimization design. The capability of this approach is demonstrated by a case study which generates a better solution with less cost and good flexibility in uncertain operations than the one generated at a deterministic condition.