2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
(245d) A Nonlinear Programming Framework for Estimating Spatial Coupling in Disease Transmission
A framework is presented for efficient estimation of city-to-city spatial transmission rates by inferring transport information from localized disease case data using a statistical, hazard-based SIR model [4]. First, a stochastic model is constructed to predict spatio-temporal disease dynamics and accurately match existing datasets. A statistical hazard-based approach focusing on disease fade-out periods provided the basis for the estimation [2]. Subsequently, the strength of city-to-metapopulation spatial transmission is estimated using disease fade-out information between outbreaks. Then, the model is extended to estimate the strength of city-to-city spatial transmission [5]. The estimation is demonstrated using various records of datasets for measles outbreaks. The proposed approach is found to be feasible for this large-scale estimation, and accurately reproduces existing literature values. Additionally, the proposed approach for estimating disease transmission parameters is flexible, and allows for further investigation of larger model spaces.
[1] Heesterbeek, H., Anderson, R. M., Andreasen, V., Bansal, S., De Angelis, D., Dye, C., Eames, K. T. D., Edmunds, W. J., Frost, S. D. W., Funk, S., Hollingsworth, T. D., House, T., Isham, V., Klepac, P., Lessler, J., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., Metcalf, C. J. E., Mollison, D., Pel- lis, L., Pulliam, J. R. C., Roberts, M. G., and Viboud, C. (2015). Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health. Science, 347(6227):aaa4339â??aaa4339.
[2] Bjø rnstad, O. N. and Grenfell, B. T. (2008). Hazards, spatial transmission and timing of outbreaks in epidemic metapopulations. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 15:265â??277.
[3] Word, D. P., Cummings, D. a. T., Burke, D. S., Iamsirithaworn, S., and Laird, C. D. (2012). A nonlinear programming approach for estimation of transmission parameters in childhood infectious disease using a continuous time model. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society, 9:1983â??97.
[4] Grenfell, B. T. (2000). Time series modelling of childhood diseases: a dynamical systems approach. Appl. Statist.
[5] Xia, Y., Bjø rnstad, O. N., and Grenfell, B. T. (2004). Measles metapopulation dynamics: a gravity model for epidemiological coupling and dynamics. The American naturalist, 164(2):267â??281.