2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
(234u) Innovative Water Treatment Process Based on Electrochemical Oxidation for the Regeneration and Reuse of Water in Marine Recirculating Aquaculture Systems: Eloxiras
World aquaculture accounted for 90.4 million tonnes (Mt) of aquatic products in 2012, compared to 92.5 Mt reached by fishing [1, 2]. Considering the 24 Mt of fishing that will not be intended for human consumption, aquaculture is already the highest provider of food to worldwide population. Aquaculture keeps a significant growth rate that has increased by 8.9% in 2012. Asia is the largest aquaculture producer region, accounting over 88% of total production, followed by America (4.78%) and Europe (4.32%). According to FAO [3], world aquaculture production reached a market value of US$144.4 billion. Most of this aquaculture species are farmed in open-circuits, but entailing a lower process efficiency. The production trends are shifting to closed loop circuits to foster the productivity.
Based on Electrochemical Oxidation Technology, and advanced oxidation process (AOP) this paper presents an innovative water treatment concept specially developed to improve the productivity and environmental impact of marine recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) used by the exponentially growing aquaculture industry, ELOXIRAS [4]. The process allows the efficient destruction of all the highly concerned pollutants in RAS (ammonia, nitrite, organic matter, bacteria and viruses, etc.) without the addition of chemicals and with no change in water composition. It only requires electricity and the catalytic properties of the electrode materials to achieve water purification.
ELOXIRAS introduces a new advanced marine RAS water quality control and purification system that overcomes the main limitations of the current conventional technologies (bio-filter technologies as main competitor in the market) such as: i) significant water uptake requirements; ii) limited efficacy in contaminant removal; iii) restricted culture density.
The novelty of ELOXIRAS system is the ability to increase the production of different marine species: 1) Allowing higher cultured densities within the purification controlled limits (30% more production); 2) Reducing up to 20% the new water intake consumption (and thus, proportional wastewater generation); 3) Eliminating almost completely the key pollutants (>90%), and 4) Increasing by a minimum of 30% the estimated potential benefit (â?¬/year) of the overall process.
The next innovative characteristics provide the key points for the market application of ELOXIRAS: a) High efficacy and removal of the targeted pollutants, including bacteria and virus; b) Compact and modular design; c) Low energy requirements; d) Easy to operate with adaptable capacity to required productivity. The following market applications with competitive edge have been developed based in this technology:
[1] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Statistics Division, 2016. http://faostat3.fao.org/, last accessed 6-5-2016.
[2] European Comission, Eurostat, 2016. ec.europa.eu/eurostat/, last accessed 6-5-2016.
[3] FAO, 2014.The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture. Opportunities and Challenges. ISBN 978-92-5-108275-1; Rome.
[4] ELOXIRAS, 2016. http://www.eloxiras.com/, last accessed 6-5-2016.