2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
(20a) Regulation of Intracellular Delivery through Peptide-Based Nanocarrier Design (Invited Talk)
Our approaches are exemplified by our work in histone-targeted nanocarrier design. Histones have received great interest as potential gene carriers for several decades due to their seminal role in chromatin packaging and gene transfer, yet therapeutic efforts with histones have lacked both a well-controlled materials approach and a deeper knowledge of cellular processing mechanisms. Hence, histone-based carriers have failed to reach clinical efficacy. We have capitalized on newly recognized and highly pivotal roles for histone tails in native gene regulatory control to develop a gene transfer method that utilizes native, histone-based processing pathways via incorporation of post-translationally modified (PTM) histone tails within controllably-assembled DNA vehicles (polyplexes). Our efforts proved that polyplexes displaying PTM-modified histone tails promote nuclear accumulation, DNA release, transcription, and enhanced transfection. Moreover, our group has combined detailed nanostructure engineering with sophisticated cellular imaging to identify novel aspects in the cell biology framework regulating polyplex transport to the nucleus.
We have also focused on novel mechanisms to exploit natureâ??s ability to harness extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagens to sequester and control delivery of bioactive nanostructures. Our specific approaches have capitalized on a class of peptides known as collagen-mimetic peptides, or CMPs, that have been recognized for their unique affinity for native collagen, which can be tailored through alterations in CMP amino acid sequence and molecular weight. CMPs incorporate themselves into the natural collagen triple helical structure via strand invasion, in a reversible process previously that has been used to modify extracted collagen in vitro and exclusively target remodeling collagen in vivo. In our studies, we employed a proline-rich CMP designed to act not only as an adjustable tether to regulate collagen-polyplex affinity, but also as an adhesive/endocytic ligand for polyplexes. The use of a collagen scaffold afforded our system structural support and innate bioactivity to encourage cellular ingrowth and proliferation, whereas altering the extent of the modification of our vector provided additional tunability to allow tailorable release for prolonged time periods. This CMP-based approach also consistently and fully maintained polyplex activity in the presence of serum for at least a week, whereas most bolus and substrate-mediated gene delivery approaches report rapid reductions within hours or a few days, and the level of transgene expression directly correlated with MMP-concentrations and the extent of collagen remodeling, demonstrating â??on demandâ? release. The ability to tailor release over extended periods via physical attachments, combined with the ability to provide cell-trigger release and collagen-mediated uptake, make this approach very attractive for many applications in regenerative medicine.