2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
(189k) Heterogeneous Supercomputing with Multi-Scale Modeling - Towards Virtual Reality in Process Engineering
In this talk, we will demonstrate this possibility by introducing a series of multi-scale simulations on particle-fluid systems such as fluidized bed, pneumatic conveyor, mixing tanks etc. Highly parallel codes for continuum-based finite volume method, discrete element method and lattice Boltzmann method are implemented on the central processing units (CPUs), many-integrated cores (MICs) and graphics processing units (GPUs), respectively, using the petaflops heterogeneous supercomputer Mole-8.5E [1,3]. The accuracy, speed and efficiency of the simulation can be improved dramatically to quasi-realtime level for lab-scale systems with particle-scale resolution. In contrast, traditional simulation may cost weeks for seconds of physical process. Based on this capability, interactive simulation and visualization with online control of the operating conditions has been realized also, suggesting a more exciting prospect of virtual-reality (VR) style simulation in process engineering. Some preliminary results can be found in our recent publications [2,3] and the most recent developments will be presented in the talk.
[1] Wang, X. & Ge, W. 2013. Chapter 5: The Mole-8.5 Supercomputing System. In: Vetter, J. S. eds. Contemporary High Performance Computing from Petascale toward Exascale. pp. 75-98.
[2] Ge, W. et al. 2011. Meso-scale oriented simulation towards virtual process engineering (VPE)-The EMMS Paradigm. Chemical Engineering Science 66, 4426-4458.
[3] Ge, W. et al. 2015. Multiscale discrete supercomputing - a game changer for process simulation? Chemical Engineering & Technology 38, 575-584.