2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
(180h) Onsite: operation of a Novel SOFC-Battery Integrated Hybrid Generator for Telecommunication Energy Systems
Operation of a Novel SOFC-Battery Integrated Hybrid Generator for
Telecommunication Energy SystemsV. Antonucci1, G. Brunaccini1, M. Ferraro1, F. Sergi1, S. F. Au2
E. Erdle3
1: CNR ITAE, Messina, Italy, vincenzo.antonucci@itae.cnr.it
2: HTceramix, Yverdon-les-Bains Switzerland, siufai.au@solidpower.com
3: efceco, Immenstaad, Germany, efceco@efceco.com
Telecommunication companies are facing various challenges: rapidly growing number of customers, increasing use of energy intense high speed and high volume data communication services, coverage of more areas - especially areas where no electric grid is available - and finally of course the classic issue of reliability. This results in a need for more and more power and for reliable grid independent power.
In the European collaborative project, â??ONSITEâ? a proof-of-concept of an intelligent power supply system for telecommunication equipment and infrastructures (e.g. base stations, data centers) is under development. It features a novel hybrid concept that integrates a SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) and high temperature Sodium-Nickel-Chloride (SNC) batteries taking advantage of the SOFCâ??s waste heat to support the batteries thermally. The ONSITE system - in contrast to ordinary back-up systems - shall operate continuously and may feed power to the grid if grid-connected. It operates on natural gas and can operate on LNG or LPG also when no natural gas grid is available.
This hybrid system shall achieve better utilization of primary energy, higher power generation efficiency, use of the waste heat from the fuel cell for heating or cooling purposes and this way a significantly reduced impact on the environment.
The consortium of ONSITE, its main objectives and the potential applications of the technology will be introduced.
A first SOFC/SNC hybrid system with 2.5 kW net DC power was built and tested. It approached the projectâ??s goal of 40% electrical efficiency, test results will be reported as will be the electrical system architecture developed and results of first commissioning tests of the full size SOFC and SNC units.
Funding from the European Unionâ??s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration via its Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 325325 is gratefully acknowledged.
The authors want to express their gratitude to their project partners Ericsson (Italy), FIAMM Energy Storage Solutions, Italy), HTceramix S.A. (Switzerland), Bonfiglioli Vectron (Germany), Instytut Energetyki (Poland), Haute Ecole Specialisee de Suisse Occidentale (Switzerland) for their good and fruitful collaboration