2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
(158e) Coordinating Production Scheduling and Process Operation Via Economic Model Predictive Control
In this work, we develop a Lyapunov-based economic model predictive control (LEMPC) formulation that can maintain closed-loop stability of the process states while causing states that are required to meet a schedule to track the scheduled values. By enforcing the schedule through a soft constraint, feasibility of the LEMPC is maintained at all times even in the presence of disturbances when the Lyapunov level sets used in the stability constraints of the LEMPC intersect at the time that the schedule is changed. The states that are not required to meet a schedule are permitted to vary in time to maximize the process economics. The proposed LEMPC is applied to a chemical process example in which the heating rate is to be minimized while the product concentration tracks a desired schedule. This chemical process example demonstrated that the proposed method was able to cause the product concentration to meet the desired schedule while maintaining closed-loop stability and minimizing the process energy cost.
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