2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
Fuel Processing for Fuel Cells in Mobile and Stationary Applications
Fuel cell systems based on diesel steam reforming and polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) offer a great potential for auxiliary power units (APU) in mobile and stationary applications. In a joint research project with partners from industry, Oel-Waerme-Institut GmbH has developed an integrated fuel cell system for mobile power generation that can also be used as a stationary cogeneration unit. The system is based on a diesel steam reformer and allows the operation of low-temperature and high-temperature PEFC. In preceding investigations of the author’s group, coupled operation of a steam reformer with an LT-PEFC as well as fuel processor optimization regarding start-up and system integration have been reported [1, 2, 3].
The focus of this work is the system integration of the fuel processor and a fuel cell. Results from the stand-alone operation including balance-of-plant components are presented. In addition to an LT-PEFC, the steam reformer was coupled to an HT-PEFC using logistic diesel from a gas station as a fuel. The effect of sulfur and residual hydrocarbon concentration on the PEFC performance was investigated. The system design was optimized for fast system start-up and high system efficiency. This research and development project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi, FKZ 03ET2052A).
One of the research areas of the Institute for Building Technology is the development of a bidirectional real-time energy management system enabling the user to actively control energy fluxes within a building. The basis for the energy management system is a recently constructed residential building that incorporates a fuel cell cogeneration unit as well as a solar power and battery storage system. Key design parameters of the energy management system will be presented.
[1] Engelhardt, P.; Maximini, M.; Beckmann, F.; Brenner, M.: Integrated fuel cell APU based
on a compact steam reformer for diesel and a PEMFC. In: International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy 37 (2012), pp. 13470-13477 - ISSN 0360-3199
[2] Maximini, M.; Engelhardt, P.; Brenner, M.; Beckmann, F. ; Moritz, O.: Fast start-up of a diesel fuel processor for PEM fuel cells. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 39 (2014), pp. 18154–18163
[3] Engelhardt, P.; Maximini, M.; Beckmann, F.; Brenner, M.; Moritz, O.: Coupled operation
of a diesel steam reformer and an LT- and HT-PEFC. In: International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy 39 (2014), pp. 18146-18153 - ISSN 0360-3199