2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
(6bs) Thermodynamics and Kinetics for Energy, Environment and Materials: A Comprehensive Research Initiative Based on Experimental and Theoretical Investigation
Thermodynamics and kinetics are the most fundamental aspects that need to be understood for designing new materials, fluid mixtures and chemical processes. A balanced investigation based on experiments and modeling are required to solve many fundamental and engineering problems in the area of chemical engineering science. Typical examples are the designing chemical process plant for the treatment of produced water from oil and gas production, designing hydraulic fracturing fluids, carbon-dioxide captures, hydrate formation in oil and gas pipeline, designing explosives and propellant for mining and military application, nuclear and chemical waste treatment, crystal growth, designing polymer composites etc. There are many scientific and engineering problems remains in these aforementioned fields that can be solved with the understanding of thermodynamics and kinetics of the materials and processes by experimental and theoretical investigations.
I am a seasoned experimentalist with a substantial modeling and simulation experience. I contributed 24 published article with 224 citations which include both experimental and modeling/simulation works. My post-doctoral research is the development of thermodynamic models for chemical processes associated with petrochemical, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, energetic materials and other relevant industries. My PhD research was to understand kinetics and thermodynamics of phase changes and reactions of materials. Before starting my PhD, I was employed in Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, which is one of the premiere National Laboratories in Bangladesh, for 3.5 years as a research engineer. Here my research was to develop radiation processed hydrogel, polymer composites, biodegradable thin films, surface coating for natural fiber and wood.
My future research project includes, but not limited to, (i) understanding the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of electrolytes, chemical and nuclear waste, petrochemicals, CO2-captures, fluids in oil and gas reservoir condition, pharmaceutical compounds (ii) understanding the mechanism of kinetics processes and fragmentation of energetic materials for safer storage and applications (iii) Structure–kinetic–thermodynamic property relationship of materials. To fund my research, I will apply for research grant to National Science Foundation (NSF), DARPA, Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research, Department of Energy, National Labs and relevant industries. Impact of the work– (i) the new and improved fundamental understanding of materials, fluid mixtures and chemical process, (ii) designing safe and efficient chemical process and units, (iii) safe design explosives for processing, storage and applications (iv) advanced materials.