2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings

(599c) Nanometals: Production, Characterization, and Applications for HEMs


Vorozhtsov, A. - Presenter, National Research Tomsk State University

A.B. Vorozhtsov

National Research Tomsk State University, Lenin av., 36, 634050, Tomsk, Russia


 "Nanometals: Production, Characterization, and Applications for HEMs"

         The technique for production of nanometals is presented. It is electric explosion wire method (EEW-method). The results of characterization of different nanometals produced  by EEW-method are shown and discussed. To protect an active surface of nanoparticles the different ways for passivation are suggested. The results of SEM, X-Ray analysis, DSC and TG analysis too are presented and discussed. As a passivated agents different polymers including fluoropolymers are suggested. The problems of chemical stability and chemical compatibility are discussed. The use of nanopowders mixtures for the purpose of modification of thermodynamic properties of high energy materials is suggested and experimental results are presented. An applications for HEMs including discussion of experimental data for ignition and burning rate are shown.