2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
(497a) Assessment of the CO2 Capture Potential from Irreplaceable Industrial Sources
Assessment of the CO<sub>2</sub> Capture Potential from
Irreplaceable Industrial Sources
Peter C.
Psarras, Jennifer
Wilcox, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
In 2013, CO<sub>2</sub>
emissions from all industrial processes totaled 163.0 MMT, equivalent to the
annual CO<sub>2</sub> emissions of roughly 35 million automobiles.
This figure excludes indirect emissions associated with electricity usage. The
heaviest emitters (coal power plants, natural gas combined cycle plants, etc) continue to receive the majority of attention and funding
in terms of carbon capture projects; however, these major sources may also
benefit from less CO<sub>2</sub>-intensive alternatives.
Unfortunately, many industrial processes fall into a category by which there
are no alternative routes to product available. For example, steel and cement
production both involve processes that directly emit CO<sub>2</sub>
as a by-product (via the oxidation of metallurgical coke and conversion of
calcium carbonate to lime, respectively). As there materials constitute the irreplaceable
fabric of industrialization, CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from these,
as from other irreplaceable industrial processes, are projected to increase
unabated. With capture technology in place, these emissions can be diverted
instead to viable CO<sub>2</sub> reuse and sequestration
opportunities, such as oil refining, enhanced oil recovery, food processing,
metal treatment, and fertilizer production.
To assess the capture potential of
irreplaceable industry, it will be necessary to geo-reference these sources
alongside all current and potential future CO<sub>2</sub> users (sinks), with the goal of making economically sound linkages
between source and similar-sized usage markets. This will entail a cost
analysis of on-site capture plus additional transport costs (freight versus
pipeline, hazmat fees, etc.). Geographic information systems (GIS) mapping will
assist in defining the most cost-effective mechanisms for CO<sub>2</sub>
delivery. As these costs are inventoried, the financial incentive gap necessary
to compel the targeted source-sink pairings to move forward is calculated. This
effort will develop a current economic assessment of moving irreplaceable
industry toward carbon-neutrality. Though these industries represent a small
portion (ca. 3%) of total CO<sub>2</sub>
emissions, their permanence requires immediate attention. As these low-hanging
fruits are tackled, this study may serve as a model for assessing
carbon-neutrality in other sectors.