2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings

(391d) Understanding the Electronic Structures for Different Stacking Modes Bilayer CVD Graphene through Chemical Modification


Luo, Z. - Presenter, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


electronic structures between two identical Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
growth stacking modes
graphene (BLG) which are known as AB stacking (Bernal-stacked)
and twisted (non-AB stacking or turbostratic-stacked)
graphene, are firstly performed by chemical functionalization with diazonium
salts. The chemical modification results of two stacking modes graphene with aromatic diazonium
ions are analyzed by Raman Spectroscopy. By calculating the ID/IG
ratio from Raman spectrum, we find the grafting speed for AB stacking bilayer graphene is much lower
than for twisted graphene. We attribute the
difference of reaction rates between two stacking modes to the difference of
resonance force and the density of states (DOS) between the upper layer and the
under layer in this two modes. After D band Raman mapping, the areas of two
stacking modes have a significant different shown up rate. Also we find that this
reaction speed difference has an edge and bulk area dependence in both two
modes BLG. Further TEM, SAED, and XPS test confirm the two stacking modes and
the reaction of grafting. This chemical modification by introducing a sp3
defect provides a visible and new way for observing and understanding the DOS
and different physical structures between two stacking modes CVD BLG.