2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings

(329b) Chemical Control of Stickies in Recycled Paper Mills


Gonzalez, V. - Presenter, GB Consultores 75, C.A.

Chemical control of stickies in Recycled Paper mills.

AIChE Annual meeting.  Salt Lake City. Nov. 8-13, 2015

Virgilio L. Gonzalez, PhD    

Gonzalez Briceño Consultores 75, C.A.

E-mail: gbconsult75@gmail.com




Paper manufacture is commonly carried out experiencing some forms of contaminants, affecting process equipment productivity, particularly when Recycled Paper / Card board is used, being stickies among the most critical problems. Many solutions have been proposed, but in our experience, encapsulators can make a big difference in the treatment, compared to common dispersants available in the market.

It is also important to report that there are now Quality Control systems that accurately detect the presence of stickies and the positive effect of over paper quality, when antisticky products, such as encapsulators developed are used.  Previous Quality Control systems were not capable to differentiate stickies from ink and other deposits, in Paper making streams.

The differentiation takes place by using a software installed in a conventional PC and a scanner than can measure the number of stickies by surface unit.  Features of the QC system are explained and some industrial results are shown , concluding that encapsulators  can be a very efficient and economic way to treat stickies and that using the new Quality Control System in Paper mills can validate the product choice made.