2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings

(266d) Development and Deployment of a Large Eddy Simulation Code for Simulating Full-Scale, Coal-Fired Boilers


Thornock, J. N. - Presenter, University of Utah, Institute for Clean and Secure Energy
Isaac, B. - Presenter, University of Utah, Institute for Clean and Secure Energy
Smith, S. - Presenter, University of Utah
Diaz-Ibarra, O. - Presenter, University of Utah
Spinti, J. - Presenter, University of Utah
Smith, P. - Presenter, University of Utah, Institute for Clean and Secure Energy

The Carbon-Capture Multidisciplinary Simulation Center (CCMSC) at the University of Utah is demonstrating extreme computing with validation/uncertainty quantification to more rapidly deploy a new technology for providing low cost, low emission electric power generation to meet the growing energy needs of the U.S. We are using a hierarchal validation approach to obtain simultaneous consistency between sets of selected experimental data from different scales that embody key physics components to predict performance in a 350MWe oxy-fired boiler. 

In this presentation, we discuss the development and deployment of our in-house Large-Eddy simulation capability, Arches, a key to the CCMSC program. The Arches code solves equations for the evolution of both the particle and gas phases. The phases are tightly coupled, conservatively exchanging mass, momentum and energy. Using large numbers of computing cores provides detailed data in both time and space. In addition to discussing the existing capability, we highlight the current development pathway of improving the physical models while looking towards performing coal simulations on an exa-scale platform. 

The CCMSC project is funded by the DOE Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program.