2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings

(176d) How to Entrepreneur - Building the Team

Building the Team

High performance team members have specific roles and complementary talents.  The team is committed to a common purpose, and works with a high level of collaboration.  They are innovative, tight-knit, and built on trust.  The team has the collective confidence to surmount any barrier.  Leadership is more orchestration bringing out and blending the subtleties of the common purpose of the team.  As with all organizational structures, there is “the” leader shouldering the ultimate responsibility, however, everyone on the team is “a” leader.  “Leadership” is rotated according to the need at that moment in time.  Decisions are made on the analysis of the facts.  Egos are checked at the door and there is efficient conflict resolution if it is ever needed.  High performing teams could take over the world if that was the common goal to which everyone was committed. 

The team will make or break the effort.  The level of trust amongst the team members is the best gauge as to whether or not the effort will be a success.  The 90% of start up failures can probably trace the death blow back to some team issue.  Small is better, and check the ego at the door.  When do you exceed your capacity to continue to contribute to the enterprise?  Are you a builder or an organizer?  Businesses go through different cycles of need.  The leadership team that can launch the business might not have the skills to sustain and execute the growth and operationalization phase.  Recognizing when you have contributed you best to the phase of the project needed for success and then realizing how to exit with the rewards is critical to closing out and moving on the next exciting opportunity.  The myriad of electronic connection tools that are available give an effective, efficient and enjoyable ways to keep the efforts moving without having to use the 1960’s management style of “face” time.  Chemical projects will require physical operations.  The lab and pilot systems will need to be staffed.  These locations could become he rally points for various physically needed for the continued development of the system.   Spend the money saved on talent and physical chemical equipment needed. 

  1. Recruiting
  2. Seasoned Leaders
  3. Entry Level Passion
  4. Interns Payroll
  5. Benefits
  6. Employment Taxes
  7. Virtual Organizations
  8. Teams and Structures