2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
(111b) Electrophysiological Rhythms in Red Blood Cells
Coordination of many of the body's behavioural,
metabolic, and physiological processes are controlled
around the 24 hour clock typically controlled through endogenous
mechanisms, but can be re-
synchronised (entrainable) by
external stimuli. For example, the process of the body overcoming jetlag
via rhythms
resetting. Circadian rhythms are
observed in most mammalian cells, in vivo and in vitro. From
rhythmic gene expression and cell division, to metabolic
oscillations, biological clocks regulate myriad
aspects of cell biology and physiology. Hence, their
disruption is strongly associated with disease.
models indicate the main drivers of the process are the products of rhythmic
expressions of
?clock genes' over a 24 hour cycle, though the specific
transcriptional component can differ. O'Neill &
2011 [1] showed following temperature entrainment, circadian rhythms present in
human red blood
cells (RBCs). Very little is known about RBC clock
mechanisms, or whether functional consequences exist for
erythrocyte biology. To address this, we have established an
electrophysiological approach to investigate
the causes and consequences of timekeeping in the RBCs.
have employed dielectrophoresis through the 3DEP System to simultaneously
measure cellular response
at 20 different frequencies to create a
DEP ?spectrum? of RBCs over a time course [2]. The spectra are then
fit to a single shell dielectric model to
obtain electrophysiological properties of the cells.
the isolation and entrainment methodologies described in [1], we used DEP to
obtain the
electrophysiological properties of RBCs from four male adult
donors. Our preliminary results provided DEP
fingerprints of four donors (Figure 1 A-C), from which the
extracted membrane conductance Geff
conductivity σcyt fluctuated antiphasically
with near-24-hour periods. The averages of
Geff and σcyt were fit to cosinor curves peaking at 17.35 h and 5.45 h after the
end of the temperature
cycle, respectively.No significant
variation was observed in Ceff, confirming the
microscopic observation that
cell radius and morphology did not change over the
near-antiphasic appearance of Geff and σcyt suggests a
rhythmic regulation of
transmembrane ion flux. These
results demonstrated, for the first time, a circadian rhythm in the
electrophysiological properties of both red blood cell
membrane and cytoplasm. We interpreted the
observed changes in electrophysiological parameters as
reflecting alterations in ion channel activity, which
in turn is likely to be mediated by post-translational
modifications, in particular phosphorylation. As a first
step towards elucidating the mechanism underlying
timekeeping in RBCs, we chose to investigate to what
extent it shares key features with the clock mechanism in
nucleated cells, As an initial test, we predicted
that RBC rhythms would be sensitive to the generic kinase
inhibitor, staurosporine. We observed an increase
in the circadian period of the electrophysiological
of the main issues with detecting circadian desynchrony
in physiology is the absence of a non-invasive,
rapid method for detecting systemic temporal state. Recent studies
show that forced circadian
desynchrony in humans leads to
large-scale perturbation of circadian rhythmicity of blood mRNA's,
suggesting that blood is a good reflection of the wider internal
desynchrony. Measurement of circadian
rhythms in animals routinely requires the sacrifice of
multiple animals per time-point, meaning that tens of
animals are used in each experiment. DEP has the potential
to provide an accurate and reproducible readout
of circadian status using very small blood volumes, and
significantly reduce the numbers of animals required
for an experiment. Our preliminary data, using 10 µL tail-knick whole blood samples from
demonstrates, for the first
time, an electrophysiological correlate of the ultradian
feeding-fasting cycle in
blood (Figure 1 D&E).
the absence of nuclei or other organelles in RBCs, this work potentially
indicates membrane
mechanisms involving differential ion channel activities and
renders DEP a new technology to enhance the
understanding of chronobiology. Future work will investigate
the underlying mechanisms behind these
changes and the effects of experimental conditions.
F., HÜBNER, Y., BROCHE, L. M., OGIN, S. L., KASS, G. E. N. & HUGHES, M. P.
Dielectrophoresis-activated multiwell
plate for label-free high-throughput drug assessment.
Chemistry, 80, 2063-2068.
its application to a lymphoma cell. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 78, 251-269.
2012. Cytoplasm
Resistivity of Mammalian Atrial Myocardium Determined by Dielectrophoresis and
Impedance Methods. Biophysical
Journal, 103(11), 2287?2294.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Electrophysiological results for isolated human RBCs.
Circadian variation in A.) Membrane conductance, B.)
Membrane Capacitance, and C.) Cytoplasmic
Conductivity. D.) Ultradian variation in vole whole blood samples of
cytoplasmic conductivity.