2015 AIChE Annual Meeting Proceedings
(10b) Student Aiche/CACHE Mobile Device APP National Competition
Undergraduate student teams have been writing for the past 2 years in the new APP competition. This paper will introduce Apps from the past winners of this competition and review upcoming developments. The students must have written these APP’s so that they are useful for an AIChE member. Possible application areas include scientific, engineering, teaching and professional meeting organizers. Teaching apps could include a game designed to teach chemical engineering concepts. All APP’s that have been developed must be able to run on a mobile device such as a smartphone (iPhone, Android, Blackberry etc.) A unique feature of this competition is that student teams can consist of any discipline.
There are two prizes, with monetary awards given to the student team’s AIChE chapter:
1) $500 from CACHE for the first place winner of the best mobile device APP
2) $500 from a corporate sponsor for the best mobile device APP that has a major focus on aspects of safety