2014 AIChE Annual Meeting

Session: Nanoparticle Coatings & Nanocoatings on Particles

Presentations on nanoscale coatings on particles or coatings realized with nanoparticles are sought. Nanoscale coatings can comprise any morphology such as dense, porous or patchy, inorganic and/or organic materials on particles of any size aiming at modifying or imposing special physical, optical, electronic, chemical or biological properties. Contributions on the application of nanoparticles in coatings either on flat or 3-dimensional substrates or on larger particles are invited, as well. Synthesis processes for such nanocoatings, their characterization as well as their performance in the final application are of interest. Authors are especially encouraged to present the control of coating properties and product performance by synthesis process conditions.


Saunders, S., Washington State University


Wegner, K., ETH Zurich