2014 AIChE Annual Meeting
(602l) Statistical Optimization of Critical Components for High Cell Mass Production of Saccharomyces Boulardii: A Potential Probiotic Yeast
Othman, N. Z. - Presenter, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Abd Malek, R., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Ramli, S., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Aziz, R., Institute Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
EL Enshasy, H., Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute
Saccharomyces boulardii is non pathogenic yeast which has been used as preventive and therapeutic agent for treatment of variety diarrheal disease. It has been widely used in biotechnology products and considered as one of the main components of wellness industry. This present study is focusing on the production of high cell mass of S. boulardii under optimum growth condition. S. boulardii was growth in the various growth media to find the best production media that provide better cultivation for S.boulardii strain. The optimization was performed by varying three independent parameters (glucose, meat extract, and NaNO3) using Box-Behnken design under response surface methodology (RSM). A total number of 39 experimental runs were set and the experimental data was fitted to the empirical second-order polynomial model of a suitable degree. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the quadratic model demonstrates that the model was highly significant. The model showed that growth of S. boulardii strain was affected by three factors studied. The optimum culture of S. boulardii growth required 40 g L-1 glucose, 4.94 g L-1 meat extract and 1.38 g L-1 NaNO3 to produce 11.19 g L-1 cell mass of S. boulardii in shake flask study with an increased up to 167.06 % when compared with the unoptimized medium. Batch culture of new formulated medium for S. boulardii cultivation was further analyzed using controlled (pH 5.5) and un-controlled pH condition in 16 L semi-scale bioreactor. Cultivation in un-controlled pH condition showed production of S. boulardii biomass of 10.08 g L-1 higher than controlled pH cultivation almost 25 % . This present work demonstrates the important of optimizing the medium composition of S. boulardii in industrial scale application.