2014 AIChE Annual Meeting
(565f) Enhanced Combustion of Rice Husk for Pollution Abatement and Regional Potential of Silica from Rice Husk Ash (RHA)
To meet the energy requirements of industry in Pakistan, non-conventional sources (like rice husk) of energy are being utilized for low cost energy solution. Rice husk (RH) feed boilers produces ash, which contains about 80% silica and 20% unburned carbonaceous matters. The rice husk ash (RHA) is usually disposed-off as land filling and causing environmental issues. The disposal of rice husk ash is an environmental challenge for industries and EPA.
This study aims the enhanced combustion; reduction of ash formation from state of the art locally fabricated boilers and calculates the potential of silica separation from RHA at Gujranwala division of Pakistan. The effect of rice husk particle size (8-10, 10-15, 15-30, 30-40, and 40-50 mesh) on combustion process is investigated under similar applied conditions and enhanced combustion( 50% decreased carbonaceous matter) is observed for specific feed size of RH (10-15 mesh). An enhanced combustion of RH ultimately decreases the ash formation from boilers. Experimental Investigation shows that the 50 % mixing of crushed RH (mesh 10-15) with pure rice husk produces less unburned in ash and heating yield is also increased. Above and below this mesh size, higher amount of unburned in ash is observed. Enhanced combustion decreases the carbonaceous pollutants as well as makes RHA more feasible for Silica separation process. Moreover potential of amorphous silica from RHA is calculated for Gujranwala division of Pakistan and it is about 20,000 ton per year.
Project has potential to decrease the environmental pollutants with economic benefits to decrease the import bill of Pakistan (for purchase of amorphous silica).