2014 AIChE Annual Meeting

(384d) Permethyl Cobaltocenium (Cp*2Co+) As an Ultra-Stable Cation for Polymer Hydroxide Exchange Membranes


Yan, Y. - Presenter, University of Delaware
Gu, S., University of Delaware

Hydroxide (OH) exchange membranes (HEMs) are important polymer electrolytes enabling the use of affordable and earth-abundant catalysts and membranes for electrochemical energy conversion devices such as HEM fuel cells, HEM electrolyzers, and HEM solar hydrogen generators. Many HEM cations exist featuring desirable properties but new cations are still needed to increase chemical stability at elevated temperatures. Here we introduce the permethyl cobaltocenium [(C5Me5)2Co(III)+ or Cp*2Co+] as an ultra-stable cation for HEMs. Compared with the parent cobaltocenium [(C5H5)2Co(III)+ or Cp2Co+], Cp*2Co+ has substantially higher stability and basicity. We also show that Cp*2Co+-based HEMs possess very high thermal and alkaline stability, which are useful in designing more durable HEM electrochemical devices.