2014 AIChE Annual Meeting

(264c) Synchronization of Cellular Skeleton Determines the Nature of Motions of Cancerous Vs. Non-Cancerous Cells


Emami, F. S. - Presenter, Northwestern University
Vahid, A., Northwestern University
Grzybowski, B. A., Northwestern University
Kandere-Grzybowska, K., Northwestern University

Protrusions/retractions arise from forces exerted by cell cytoskeleton components to the front and back of the cells. Here, we study if overall motility strategy (diffusive versus Lévy walks) can be emerged from the front/back dynamics and weather synchronization between the two affect the overall cell movement. We have shown that a series of persistent non-Markovian infinitesimal moves could result in a power law distribution of the persistence length characterizing a Lévy walk distribution. To consider the protrusions/retractions of the cell with a primitive model represented by two connected moving points. These front and back compartment of the model were allowed to move with or without synchronization considering limitation on the overall cell size. The statistics of this unidirectional excursions were then collected to characterizing probability distributions type of motion. The model showed that the synchronization strategy affects overall cell motility pattern.