2014 AIChE Annual Meeting
(231ah) Hydration Free Energies Calculated Using the AMBER ff03 Charge Model for Natural and Unnatural Amino Acids and Multiple Water Models
Accurate interactions with solvent water and its implicit solvent approximations are critical to the success or failure of folding, refining, or designing a protein with state-of-the art methods1-9. We recently developed two new forcefields for post-translational modifications10 and unnatural/modified amino acids11 to enable the modeling, simulation, and design of proteins containing them. Chemical and biochemical modification of amino acids are ubiquitous in nature, with over 400 previously discovered to date12.
In this work13, we assess calculated hydration free energies of natural and unnatural/modified amino acids compared to experimental hydration free energies of corresponding side-chain analogs using the ff0314 charge model. Fine-grid, explicit water multiconfigurational thermodynamic integration15 calculations using two widely used explicit water models (TIP3P16 and TIP4P-Ew17) were performed on 19 natural amino acids and compared with experimental hydration free energies of corresponding side-chain analogs to establish expected accuracy levels for this charge model. Hydration data for side-chain analogs of the natural amino acids were taken from the dataset compiled by Wolfenden18.
Next, parameters we previously derived11 for 17 unnatural amino acids and several new parameters optimized in this work were assessed using the same methodology. We found that the ff03 charge model is correlated with experimental hydration free energies but underestimates the solubilities of several polar natural and unnatural amino acids. That is the calculated hydration free energies were less negative than their experimental values. Overall, we found that our forcefields can rank hydration free energies of non-canonical amino acid side-chain analogs with a root-mean square error of 2.53 and mean absolute error of 2.10 kcal/mol and an R2 of 0.68 for the non-canonical side-chains by utilizing the widely used TIP3P16water model. Comparisons are presented with other forcefields and water models recently presented in the literature for both natural and modified amino acids showing excellent agreement of our forcefield and the corresponding experimental data.
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5. Piana S, Sarkar K, Lindorff-Larsen K, Guo M, Gruebele M, Shaw DE. Computational Design and Experimental Testing of the Fastest-Folding β-Sheet Protein. J Mol Biol 2011;405(1):43-48.
6. Lindorff-Larsen K, Piana S, Dror RO, Shaw DE. How fast-folding proteins fold. Science 2011;334(6055):517-520.
7. Smadbeck J, Peterson MB, Khoury GA, Taylor MS, Floudas CA. Protein WISDOM: A Workbench for In silico De novo Design of BioMolecules. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2013(77):e50476.
8. Khoury GA, Smadbeck J, Kieslich CA, Floudas CA. Protein folding and de novo protein design for biotechnological applications. Trends Biotechnol 2014;32(2):99-109.
9. Leaver-Fay A, Tyka M, Lewis SM, Lange OF, Thompson J, Jacak R, Kaufman K, Renfrew PD, Smith CA, Sheffler W, Davis IW, Cooper S, Treuille A, Mandell DJ, Richter F, Ban YE, Fleishman SJ, Corn JE, Kim DE, Lyskov S, Berrondo M, Mentzer S, Popovic Z, Havranek JJ, Karanicolas J, Das R, Meiler J, Kortemme T, Gray JJ, Kuhlman B, Baker D, Bradley P. ROSETTA3: an object-oriented software suite for the simulation and design of macromolecules. Methods Enzymol 2011;487:545-574.
10. Khoury GA, Thompson JP, Smadbeck J, Kieslich CA, Floudas CA. Forcefield_PTM: Ab Initio Charge and AMBER Forcefield Parameters for Frequently Occurring Post-Translational Modifications. J Chem Theory Comput 2013;9(12):5653-5674.
11. Khoury GA, Smadbeck J, Tamamis P, Vandris AC, Kieslich CA, Floudas CA. Forcefield_NCAA: Ab Initio Charge Parameters to Aid in the Discovery and Design of Proteins and Peptides with Unnatural Amino Acids and Their Application to Complement Inhibitors of the Compstatin Family. ACS Synthetic Biology 2013(In Press):DOI:10.1021/sb400168u.
12. Khoury GA, Baliban RC, Floudas CA. Proteome-wide post-translational modification statistics: frequency analysis and curation of the swiss-prot database. Scientific Reports 2011;1(90).
13. Khoury GA, Bhatia N, Floudas CA. Hydration free energies calculated using the AMBER ff03 charge model for natural and unnatural amino acids and multiple water models. Submitted 2014.
14. Duan Y, Wu C, Chowdhury S, Lee MC, Xiong G, Zhang W, Yang R, Cieplak P, Luo R, Lee T, Caldwell J, Wang J, Kollman P. A point-charge force field for molecular mechanics simulations of proteins based on condensed-phase quantum mechanical calculations. J Comput Chem 2003;24(16):1999-2012.
15. Straatsma TP, McCammon JA. Multiconfiguration thermodynamic integration. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1991;95(2):1175-1188.
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17. Horn HW, Swope WC, Pitera JW, Madura JD, Dick TJ, Hura GL, Head-Gordon T. Development of an improved four-site water model for biomolecular simulations: TIP4P-Ew. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2004;120(20):9665-9678.
18. Wolfenden R, Andersson L, Cullis PM, Southgate CC. Affinities of amino acid side chains for solvent water. Biochemistry (Mosc) 1981;20(4):849-855.