2014 AIChE Annual Meeting

(163g) Experimental Investigations on Brick Specimens Made from Deinking Sludge

Experimental Investigations on Brick Specimens made from Deinking


Kulkarni Shilpaa1, Kumar Vivekb1, Singh S. K2., Bansal Mukesh C.3

1Department of Paper Technology, Indian Institute of Technology- Roorkee, India,

2CSIR- Central Building of Research Institute, Roorkee, India, 3Bharat Institute of Technology-Meerut, India

ashilpa.ips@gmail.com bvivekfpt@iitr.ac.in 2sksingh_cbri@yahoo.co.in


The growing population, increasing pollution and decreasing land filling sites for the disposal of solid wastes possess potential problem. One such type of solid waste is the waste from recycled paper industries. It consists of organic and inorganic materials and also some heavy metals because of the writing or printing on the paper. However manufacturing process, and raw material used play a vital role in deciding the chemical composition of residue. Worldwide researchers are trying to use these wastes effectively and also economically into construction materials like bricks and tiles. In this paper, deinking sludge, a recycled paper industry waste product, has been chemically, physically and thermally characterized, in order to evaluate the possibility of its use as a construction material. Characterization of materials is performed by using X- ray Fluorescence, X- ray Diffractometry, and Thermo gravimetric analysis for the determination of its composition, presence of crystalline material and to identify percentage of weight loss with change in temperature. Besides, the investigation also covers the brick making by utilising the deinking sludge. The results indicate that the brick prepared from the combination of (paper sludge-cement) are light in weight. This novel construction material serves the objectives of reducing solid waste.