2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
(797e) Free Energy of Block Copolymer Systems Via Thermodynamic Integration of a Mesoscale Block-Copolymer Model
Directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) is a promising technique for producing sub-30 nm pitch regular patterns, and the development of these DSA techniques could benefit greatly from computer simulation of such methods. Unlike other models, molecular dynamics (MD) combined with realistic potentials for polymer behavior can potentially provide more accurate simulations of the inherent polymer behavior, dynamics, and equilibrium states without a need to guess modes of molecular movement and without oversimplifying interatomic interactions.
Through the use of thermodynamic integration, this model allows us to calculate free energy differences between various states, provided a reversible path can be envisioned between them. Using this technique, various equilibrium and metastable states can be compared. Defect free energies and subsequently defect densities can be calculated as functions of polymer and underlayer properties. Defectivity is the primary hurdle for implementation of BCP-DSA into semiconductor fabrication and defect free energies are critical to guide defectivity reduction techniques and patterning techniques. Free energy maps as a function of system properties like pitch, and polymer parameters can also be calculated. These calculations can provide insight into ideal and practical best case scenarios for both polymer properties and system guiding properties, whereas vast number of experiments would have to be run to achieve the same conclusions.