2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
(622e) Impact of the Science Without Borders Exchange Program On the Learning Experience of Students From the Chemical Engineering Course of the University of Campinas in Brazil
Science without Borders is a Brazilian Federal Program with the main goal of promoting consolidation and expansion of science, technology and innovation in Brazil through international exchange and mobility of students, professors and researchers. Two modalities of exchange activities are established: outgoing (for post doctorate candidates , undergraduate and graduate students) and incoming (for senior visitors and young talents). Until the year 2015, a total of around 100,000 grants will be given to fulfill this objective, from which close to 30% will be granted to undergraduate students of different areas going to several institutions around the world.
The School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Campinas has already sent a significant number of undergraduate students and the impact of the implementation of this program in the course and also on the evolution of learning styles and contents of students who had the experience abroad will be discussed. An immediate and obvious result observed in students taking their last year in Brazil is the more integrated approach to chemical engineering questions, what is undoubtedly extremely positive and desirable. Aspects such as curricular differences of several countries, forms of studying in the country and outside it, differences in attitude and specific contributions to student knowledge will be addressed together with the changes noticed on the side of the instructors.