2013 AIChE Annual Meeting

(530a) Molecularly - Imprinted Based Sensors for Real-Time and Accurate Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds


Deng, Y. - Presenter, Arizona State University
Forzani, E., Arizona State University
Chen, C., Arizona State University
Tsow, F., Arizona State University
Xian, X., Arizona State University

- imprinted based sensors for real-time and accurate monitoring of volatile
organic compounds


Yue Deng,1,2 Cheng chen,1,2 Francis Tsow,1Xiaojun Xian,1 Erica Forzani,1,2*

1Center for Bioelectronics and
Biosensors, Biodesign Institute; 2Ira A.
Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University, AZ,


Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary,
room-temperature conditions. Some VOCs are dangerous to human health or cause
harm to the environment. To improve our understanding of indoor and outdoor
personal exposures to common environmental toxicants daily released into
the environment, new technologies that can monitor and quantify the
toxicants anytime anywhere are needed. This presentation presents a wearable
sensor to provide such capabilities. The sensing material is molecularly
imprinted polymer, which is highly selective. The sensor combines the polymer
and micro fabricated quartz tuning fork detector, it can communicate with a
common cell phone through Bluetooth, and allows for accurate measurement of
volatile organic compounds at personal level in real-time. Stable performance
was validated using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Selected
Ion Flow Tube -Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) reference methods in a variety of
environments and activities. Field tests were carried out to examine personal
exposure in various scenarios including: indoor and outdoor environments,
traffic exposure and personal exposure in different cities, countries, and
near the 2010 Deep-water Horizon's oil spill. These field tests not only
validate the performance, but also demonstrate the unprecedented high
temporal and spatial toxicant information provided by the new technology.