2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
(510d) Fabrication of Jell-O Milli-Fluidic Chips for Hands-On Education of Hemodynamics and Blood Cell Adhesion
of Jell-O Milli-fluidic Chips for Hands-On Education
of Hemodynamics and Blood Cell Adhesion
Michael J. Mitchell1, David Syracuse2, Carlos A. Castellanos1,
Shivaun D. Archer1, Michael R. King1
of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York USA
High School, Ithaca, New York USA
Advances in microfluidics have
allowed for the development of devices that can recreate the complex
microenvironment of the bloodstream. In particular, our lab has recently developed
microscale flow devices that mimic postcapillary venules
to study the basic mechanisms of cancer metastasis (1) and inflammation (2,3). Such
devices have also been adapted to kill cancer cells in the bloodstream (4), and
isolate circulating tumor cells from patient blood (5). As the clinical
benefits of microfluidics are becoming apparent, it is essential to educate
young students on basic fluidic principles and their potential impact on human
disease diagnosis and treatment. A simple fabrication technique was
demonstrated using Jell-O to teach high school students the essential
components of blood flow, and its subsequent effects on cell adhesion in
inflammation and cancer.
Materials and
Methods: Model milli-fluidic devices were
fabricated using a soft lithography technique consisting of foam plates, coffee
stirrers, single- and double-sided tape, and Jell-O. Briefly, coffee stirrers
were cut, connected, and arranged in various formations and adhered to foam plates
using double-sided tape. Single-sided tape was placed on top of the coffee
stirrers to create a smooth surface. A Jell-O liquid was prepared as per
manufacturer's instructions, poured onto molds, and left to cure inside a
refrigerator for 2 days. Jell-O chips were then peeled from molds and placed
onto aluminum plates. Inlets and outlets were created within the chips, and liquid
was perfused through the device using disposable transfer pipets. For blood
cell adhesion experiments, chips were peeled and placed onto glass slides, and
incubated with a solution of soluble E-selectin protein for 2 hours. Human
neutrophils were perfused through E-selectin coated Jell-O chips, and assessed
for cell adhesion using brightfield microscopy.
Results and
Discussion: High school students successfully fabricated model milli-fluidic devices consisting of varying fluidic
networks (Figure 1). Comparisons of Jell-O chip versus polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS) microfluidic chip fabrication in biomedical research were highlighted
throughout the fabrication process. The concept of pressure-driven flow was
demonstrated using Jell-O chips in the absence of an outlet, as fluid could not
flow due to air present in the channel, which could not escape due to the
absence of an outlet. High school students calculated flow rate by measuring
the flow of a set volume of fluid through the device over time (Figure 2). The
concept of laminar flow was demonstrated to students via perfusion of both a
light and a dark-colored fluid through a Y-shaped Jell-O chip, as fluids
perfused through channels simultaneously did not mix. Jell-O chips were also used
to demonstrate cell adhesion, as E-selectin coated devices successfully induced
human neutrophil adhesion. Graduate students, so to prevent contamination and
exposure of hazardous materials to high school students, demonstrated all cell
adhesion studies.
Conclusions: We have shown that simple, inexpensive Jell-O microfluidic devices can
successfully demonstrate the basic principles of blood flow in a hands-on high
school laboratory setting. The fabrication and use of devices can benefit
students by introducing them to current biomedical technologies and
applications, and encourage the pursuit of engineering and science degrees at
the university level.
This study was supported by a National
Science Foundation GK-12 grant DGE:0841291.
Figure 1: Schematic to fabricate Jell-O chips using soft lithography. (A) Top view of
a negative mold consisting of coffee stirrers and a foam plate. (B) Side view
of coffee stirrers adhered to foam plate using tape. (C) Liquid Jell-O is
poured onto the mold. (D) Chip is solidified over using refrigeration and then
peeled from plate. (E) Chip is adhered to aluminum plate or foil for use.
Figure 2: Perfusion of fluid through a Jell-O chip.
Yin X, Rana K, Ponmudi V,
King MR. Knockdown of fucosyltransferase III disrupts
the adhesion of circulating cancer cells to E-selectin without affecting
hematopoietic cell adhesion. Carbohydrate Research. 2010;345:2334–42.
Mitchell MJ, King MR. Shear-Induced Resistance to
Neutrophil Activation via the Formyl Peptide Receptor. Biophysical Journal.
2012 Apr 18;102:1804–14.
3. Cao
TM, Takatani T, King MR.
Effect of extracellular pH on selectin adhesion: theory and experiment.
Biophysical Journal. 2013 Jan 22;104(2):292–9.
4. Mitchell
MJ, Chen CS, Ponmudi V, Hughes AD, King MR. E-selectin liposomal and
nanotube-targeted delivery of doxorubicin to circulating tumor cells. Journal
of Controlled Release. 2012 Jun;160:609–17.
5. Hughes
AD, Mattison J, Western LT, Powderly JD, Greene BT,
King MR. Microtube Device for Selectin-Mediated
Capture of Viable Circulating Tumor Cells from Blood. Clinical Chemistry. 2012
Feb 16;58:846–53.