2013 AIChE Annual Meeting

(499e) High Performance Fluorine Doped Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) Electro-Catalysts for PEM Based Water Electrolysis


Kadakia, K. - Presenter, University of Pittsburgh
Datta, M. K., University of Pittsburgh
Kumta, P., University of Pittsburgh
Velikokhatnyi, O., University of Pittsburgh

Identification of electro-catalysts containing non noble metal or significantly reduced amounts of expensive noble metals (e. g. RuO2) is highly desirable. Development of such a catalyst with comparable electrochemical performance to the standard noble metal oxide counterpart for the proton exchange membrane (PEM) based water electrolysis would constitute a major advancement in generation of hydrogen by water electrolysis. We have accordingly developed a two-pronged theoretical first principles and experimental approach to generate a nano-structured solid solution of SnO2:10wt.% F containing only 20at.% RuO2 [e.g. (Sn0.80Ru0.20)O2:10F] that displays a remarkably similar electrochemical activity and moreover, comparable or even much improved electrochemical stability and durability compared to pure the noble metal counterpart, RuO2. Results of these studies will be presented and discussed.