2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
(444b) Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of Ionic Liquid-Based Biorefineries
Although the peak oil is still a debated issue, petroleum supply is expected to become ever more vulnerable of interruptions and current economic system reliance on fossils is exposing all economic sectors to unsustainable price fluctuations [1]. Concerns of maintaining an adequate supply of resources, such as fuels, food, raw materials for a growing population, are also raising a pressing interest for a change in our way to conceive energy and resource provision system [2]. A paradigm shift in the industrial sector from today’s large fossils exploitation towards more sustainable practices is also advocated to face current trend of carbon dioxide emissions production, which may soon be approaching greenhouse gas (GHG) levels dangerously close to tipping points of an accelerated global warming [3]. Thus, the future challenge to address the growing world energy demand may be met as long as the supply of higher levels of resources and energy is achieved in a sustainable way promoting low-carbon technologies and renewables [4]. In this respect, the spread of biomass exploitation, as a unique source that can supply both energy and carbon for the production of the commodity chemicals and products, has the potentials to lead to the settlement of a new biomass-based economy [5-6].
Biomass is an abundant, renewable and carbon neutral resource, which is currently significantly exploited for biofuels production from edible components of food crops. However, the major challenge for a future bio-based economy would very likely rely on lignocellulosic feedstock exploitation, being more abundant and less expensive than starchy crops as well as avoiding any direct conflicts with the food chain [7]. Industrial biorefineries have been identified as the most promising route to the creation of a new domestic biobased industry, where biomass conversion processes into fuels, power, and chemicals are integrated through an efficient combination of technologies, to minimise the environmental footprints and ensure the sustainability of all products generated. By producing multiple products, a biorefinery can take advantage of the differences in biomass components and intermediates and maximise the value derived from the biomass feedstock [8]. However, cost-effective technologies for processing lignocellulosic materials into fuels and chemicals are not commercially available. In this context, a central role in determining the overall system profitability is played by the pretreatment unit, where biomass is deconstructed and the three main components (i.e. cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) are made accessible to subsequent processes [9].
Since the study of Wilkes and Zaworotko [10], ionic liquids have become increasingly popular as reaction and extraction media. The property of ionic liquids which has led to them being classed as green solvents is their very low volatility, thus they do not emit volatile organic compounds and are suitable for reactions at atmospheric pressure. Recently, ionic liquids have begun to be investigated for biomass related processes, yet there are many technological applications and large commercial interests in the field [2]. The use of ionic liquids as lignocellulose deconstruction solvents is also extremely promising [11]. Among the potential applications, ionic liquid can be used to decrystallise cellulose and disrupt the lignin-hemicellulose network. The possibility of removing lignin with ionic liquids and recovering it as precursor for commercial products is also an interesting option [11]. However, deconstruction with ionic liquid will only be viable if some drawbacks are overcome, in particular the cost of ionic liquids. Process design and optimisation is required in order to have high solvent recovery and recycle, but also consumables use reduction, energy integration and waste minimisation. Economic aspects should also be coupled with the concept of ecological sustainability during the process optimisation strategy [12]. Process system engineering techniques play a major role in achieving all the above targets.
This work proposes an investigation of techno-economic performance of a biorefinery based on ionic liquid-pretreatment. The analysis, based on mathematical modelling and process design techniques, aims at identifying the key physical phenomena, the main cost centres affecting the process economics and proposing strategies to develop more efficient biochemical conversion routes for the biomass. This is performed along with the system environmental performance appraisal based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) techniques [13]. The final purpose is to provide a mathematical tool for an in-depth economic and environmental analysis of the ionic liquids fractionation, identifying the process enhancements alternatives and outlining potential synthetic routes to biocommodities.
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