2013 AIChE Annual Meeting

(378h) An Integrated Pipeline for Organism Engineering


Canton, B. - Presenter, Ginkgo BioWorks

Ginkgo BioWorks is working to build a reliable and cost effective pipeline for engineering bacteria to produce fuels and high value chemicals. I will argue that there is no "silver bullet" technology to address this goal; instead, an integrated, balanced mix of technologies is the most plausible approach to making the engineering of biology more standard, more predictable, and hence more scalable. Our pipeline consists of tightly-integrated workflows for designing, building, and testing engineered organisms that each rely on a combination of software, hardware, and wetware. I will demonstrate how detailed data recording and analysis can enable the improvement and scaling of a novel DNA assembly scheme.  Next, I will describe a high-throughput metabolomics workflow that captures a rich picture of the metabolic state of engineered cells.  This metabolomics workflow depends on the latest hardware advances in mass spectrometry and custom software to process and analyze the large resultant datasets. Finally, I will show how we are deploying natural biological parts to control the behavior of engineered organisms in new ways.