2013 AIChE Annual Meeting

(35f) Surface Dealloyed Pt Nanoparticles Supported On Carbon Nanotubes: Facile Synthesis and Promising Applications for Direct Crude Glycerol Anion-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell


Qi, J. - Presenter, Michigan Technological University
Xin, L., Iowa State University
Li, W., Michigan Technological University
Chadderdon, D., Michigan Technological University
Qiu, Y., Michigan Technological University
Jiang, Y., Michigan Technological University
Sun, K., University of Michigan
Zhang, Z., Michigan Technological University
He, H., Michigan Technological University
Liang, C., Dalian University of Technology

dealloyed PtCo nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotube: facile synthesis and
promising application for anion exchange membrane direct crude glycerol fuel

Ji Qi1,
Le Xin1, David Chadderdon1, Yang Qiu1, Yibo
Jiang2, Kai Sun3, Haiying He4, Zhiyong Zhang1,
Changhai Liang5, Wenzhen Li1

1Department of Chemical Engineering,
Michigan Technological University

2Department of Civil & Environmental
Engineering, Michigan Technological University

3Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, University of Michigan

4Department of Physics, Michigan
Technological University

5School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian
University of Technology

6Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Michigan Technological University

Due to the fast growth of global energy needs and
quickly diminishing of fossil fuel resources, people are forced to seek
reliable, high performance, cost-effective and environmentally-beneficial
renewable energy sources. Anion exchange membrane based direct alcohol fuel
cells have recently attract enormous attention as a potential solution to
alleviate the current energy issues.

Exploring crude glycerol as fuel for direct alcohol fuel cells not only provides a promising solution to
using excessive biodiesel byproduct, but also opens a new avenue towards
development of low-cost alcohol fuel cells. In the present study, surface dealloyed PtCo
nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotube (SD-PtCo/CNT) were prepared by ex
method and used for crude glycerol oxidation for the first time.
SD-PtCo/CNT anode catalyst based AEMFC with a 0.5 mgPt cm-2
achieved peak power densities of 268.5 mW cm-2 (crude glycerol/O2)
and 284.6 mW cm-2 (high purity glycerol/O2)at
80 oC and ambient pressure, which are close to the published result
of direct high purity glycerol solid oxide fuel cell operated at high
temperature of 800 oC (327 mW cm-2), and are higher than
all other published performances of direct high purity glycerol microbial fuel
cell and anion exchange membrane fuel cell. This work successfully developed a
high output power direct alcohol fuel cells with biorenewable,
environmentally-friendly fuel and dealloy technique prepared catalyst, which
substantially impact
future catalyst design and fuel cell development.