2013 AIChE Annual Meeting

(335a) Pot Growth Of Sweet Corn On Acidic Soil Ameliorated By a Modified Waste Mud In Guangdong Province, P R China


Shi, L. - Presenter, Iowa State University

Pot growth of sweet corn on acidic soil ameliorated by a modified waste mud in Guangdong Province, P R China

Shi Lin   Celshi@scut.edu.cn

                                                               South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, P. R. China

Abstract: A modified waste mud was prepared by calcing a mixture of soda waste mud and potassium feldspar. The nutrient contents in the modified waste mud dissolved in 0.1 mol·L-1 citric acid solution were 23.43% CaO, 22.92% SiO2, 4.27% K2O, 5.04% MgO. Its pH value held 9.75. The contents of heavy metals in the modified waste mud were much lower than the ecological index of lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury for fertilizers (GB/T 23349-2009) and background value in soil except for arsenic. In this study, nine different treatments with addition of the raw waste mud 1,2,3,4 g per kilogram soil (LW1-4) and the modified waste mud 1,2,3,4 g per kilogram soil (LM1-4) respectively and a control (CK) were planted with sweet corn for 30 days. All the planting tests were repeated for 4 pots. The results indicated that applying the modified waste mud had better effects than adding the raw waste mud only. Compared with CK, the seedling emergence of sweet corn, the plant height and stem thickness, the dry and wet biomass achieved 33.33%~8.34%, 28.38%, 32.20%, 70.51% and 80.10% respectively. With the addition of the modified waste mud, the content of available potassium, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium in the planted acidic soil was higher than that of CK, which was beneficial to plant growth. Taking the rate of sweet corn seedling emergence, the plant height and stem thickness, the dry and wet biomass into account, the optimal application rate of the modified waste mud was 2g per kilogram soil, which could bring forward the growth of sweet corn evidently and ameliorate acidic soil, distributed widely Guangdong, P R China.