2013 AIChE Annual Meeting

(288b) A Spatial Branch & Bound Global Optimization Algorithm Featuring Multiparametric Disaggregation in the Relaxation Steps


Grossmann, I., Carnegie Mellon University

We consider non-convex mixed-integer bilinear programs where binary variables appear linearly in the constraints. The global optimization of such problem is important in areas such as power systems, petroleum blending operations and process networks. Example of bilinear functions are: (i) the production cost term in the objective function of the thermal unit commitment problem [1]; (ii) the power output in hydro energy systems, related to water discharge and water storage [2]; (iii) the properties of a product resulting from a mix of materials, which can be estimated as weighted sums by concentration of their individual properties [3]. The binary variables in the formulation may have different origins: (a) accounting for system operation in multiple consecutive time periods, as in the power systems scheduling problems for the day-ahead electricity markets or in multiperiod blending operations [4]; (b) allowing for connections between units only if the flowrate exceeds a certain minimum value, as in generalized pooling [5-6] or water network design problems [7-8]; (c) choosing between alternative technologies for treatment units [9-10].

Most global optimization approaches for bilinear programs rely on the convex McCormick [11] envelopes, which provide a relaxation of the original problem. The quality of the relaxation is highly dependent on the lower and upper bounds of the variables involved in the bilinear terms, improving as their domain is partitioned. This can be done iteratively, as in spatial branch & bound frameworks [12-13] or simultaneously, using piecewise McCormick envelopes [6,9,14-15] or univariate parameterization techniques [16-17] (e.g. multiparametric disaggregation [18]).

One important property of multiparametric disaggregation is that the number of binary variables in the mixed-integer linear relaxation grows logarithmically with the number of discretization points, leading to an improved computational performance when compared to piecewise McCormick envelopes for an equivalent number of partitions [16]. However, increasing the quality of the relaxation by a ten-fold increase in the number of discretization points (from level p to p-1) may increase the complexity too much so that no reduction in the optimality gap is observed within a reasonable computational time. Provided that modest computational time is required to solve the problem for level p, one can still solve multiple instances of the problem for that same level in a reasonable time.

We thus propose to use multiparametric disaggregation in the bound contraction procedure to further reduce the domain of the variables when compared to the traditional way of using McCormick envelopes. This will precede the solution of the lower bounding formulations that are a relaxation of the original minimization problem, allowing us to achieve smaller optimality gaps. A spatial branch & bound algorithm also relying on multiparametric disaggregation then further reduces the gap. The variable selected for branching is the one leading to the largest error of the bilinear term, with range reduction being done through bisection.

Taking short-term scheduling problems of hydro power systems (MINLP) together with water-using network design problems (NLP) as case studies, we show that the proposed global optimization solver performs better than commercial global optimization solvers.


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[8] Faria DC, Bagajewicz MJ. A New Approach for Global Optimization of a Class of MINLP Problems with Applications to Water Management and Pooling Problems.

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[16] Kolodziej S, Castro PM, Grossmann IE. Global Optimization of Bilinear Programs with a Multiparametric Disaggregation Technique. Journal of Global Optimization 2013. doi: 10.1007/s10898-012-0022-1.

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