2013 AIChE Annual Meeting

(198d) Disasters Risks Reduction and Sustainable Development

Although the issue of disasters reduction was not included  in the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs)  framework, it is now evident and widely recognized that disasters, in particular  water disasters  have made the  MDGs attainment more difficult and costly and hampered poverty reduction. They have destroyed human, social and physical capital and derailed social and economic development with long lasting impacts on economic growth. At the same time, the drivers of disasters have not been addressed properly so far. Extreme weather events will increased during the next 15 years and beyond. Within this context, Post-2015 Development Agenda will have to consider the dimension of disasters risks reduction as across-cutting issue that also requires a long-term planning perspective and integration across sectors. 

Urban dwellers will increase in numbers and mega-cities are expected to emerge. Particularly vulnerable, however, are the poorest dwellers especially women.

The presentation will address these issues and introduce the United Nations Plan of Action on Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience including a gender perspective.