2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
(167c) Mechanism of C-C Hydrogenolysis On Ir Catalysts
Mechanism of C-C Hydrogenolysis on Ir Catalysts
David D. Hibbitts1, David W. Flaherty1,2
and Enrique Iglesia1*
of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720, United States
of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, United States
Catalytic hydrogenolysis of alkanes has
been widely studied due to the necessity of selectively removing sulfur and
oxygen through C-S and C-O hydrogenolysis as well as optimizing chain length of
hydrocarbon mixtures through C-C hydrogenolysis. Hydrogenolysis is considered a
structure-sensitive reaction in which the composition of the metal and the
particle size have large effects on the turnover rates and activation energies
of the reaction. Substituted alkanes contain distinguishable C-C bonds, which
have distinct mechanisms that result in different dependencies on H2
pressure and temperature, allowing for limited control over product
selectivity. Kinetic analysis and density functional theory (DFT) of
hydrogenolysis on well-defined catalyst particles are used to determine the
mechanisms for C-C bond activation and how they differ with the substitution of
the involved C-atoms. Ethane, the simplest alkane with a C-C bond, is
investigated here to determine general trends in hydrogenolysis on Ir.
Ethane hydrogenolysis was examined on 3.0
wt% Ir/SiO2 catalysts with mean particle diameters of 7.1 nm at 593
K at high H2:C2H6 ratios (0.6-1.8 MPa H2,
10-80 kPa C2H6). Atomic hydrogen (H*) is the most
abundant surface intermediate (MASI) at these high H2:C2H6
ratios and the rate of hydrogenolysis follows:
where (H2) and (C2H6)
are partial pressures, α is the product of rate and equilibrium constants
and λ was found to be 3.3 ± 0.2. Chemical interpretation of this rate
expression suggests that the kinetically-relevant transition state is derived
from C2H6 and λ represents rate-averaged number of H2
molecules evolved from dehydrogenation of C2H6 and from
desorption of H* to accommodate the kinetically-relevant transition state on
the catalyst surface.
Previous studies have proposed that
dehydrogenation of C2H6 is quasi-equilibrated on Ir
surfaces and that the kinetically-relevant step for hydrogenolysis is the C-C
bond cleavage, followed by quasi-equilibrated hydrogenation to form CH4,
Scheme 1.
C2H6* + (6-x)* C2H6-x*
+ xH* (1.3)
For Scheme 1, a L-H expression can be derived which
matches the functional form of Eq. 1:
where kCC,j is the rate constant for
the kinetically-relevant C-C bond cleavage reaction, Kj is
the equilibrium constant for a quasi-equilibrated C-H activation and j
represents the number of H atoms removed from the ethane. Taking into account
isomers of C2H4, C2H3 and C2H2,
there are ten possible dehydrogenated C2 intermediates each with
their own kinetically-relevant C-C bond activation, representing ten distinct
possible mechanisms of the form shown in Scheme 1.
Periodic, plane-wave based DFT calculations
were modeled on a four-layer Ir(111) slab using VASP with RPBE gradient
corrections and PAW potentials. Reaction energetics confirmed that all
dehydrogenation reactions were quasi-equilibrated from C2H6
to *C2H2*; further dehydrogenations to form *CHC* and *CC*,
however, were not quasi-equilibrated. As such, there exists an equilibrium
between C2H6 in the gas phase and eight C2Hx*
species, each of which can undergo a kinetically-relevant C-C bond activation with
a rate exponentially proportional to the Gibbs free energy difference between
the transition state with λ H2 molecules in the gas phase and a
H*-covered surface with C2H6 in the gas phase:
DH҂ and DS҂ were determined by measuring the
dependence of the rate on temperature and are 213 ± 2 kJ mol-1 and 134
± 5 J mol-1 K-1, respectively at 20 kPa C2H6
and 1.8 MPa H2.
In order to compute Gibbs free energy
differences through DFT, vibrational frequency calculations were performed to
determine zero-point vibrational energy corrections (ZPVE) as well as
vibrational enthalpy and entropy of adsorbed species. For gas-phase species,
additional rotational and translational enthalpy and entropy terms were
computed from statistical mechanics. Results from theory suggest that C-C bond
rupture occurs in *CHCH* with rates that would be 107 times greater
than rates for any other potential intermediates. The predicted values of DH҂
and DS҂ are 218 kJ mol-1 and 126 J mol-1
K-1, respectively, which are in excellent agreement with values from
These results on C2H6
hydrogenolysis with near-quantitative matching between experiment and theory
establish a set of principles which will guide the investigation of larger n-alkanes
and branched alkanes to determine how substitution across the C-C bond affects
the mechanism for hydrogenolysis, ultimately affecting rates and selectivity.