2013 AIChE Annual Meeting
(154d) Adsorption Equilibrium Studies of Bio-Based Fermentation Broth (Acetone, Butanol, and Ethanol) Onto Immobilization of Potato Starch Sorbents
Bio-based butanol has superior properties when compared to ethanol to be the gasohol and is gradually considered to be an important biofuel from the biomass fermentation. In this study, the high Si/Al ratio zeolites and self-made silica immobilized potato starch were used as sorbent. To evaluate the competitive adsorption behaviour of acetone, butanol and ethanol (ABE) solution, the gravimetric adsorption equilibrium apparatus and the dynamic adsorption system were used. The objectives of this research is propose an adsorption process to separate butanol from ABE solution and develop the regression model for adsorption isotherm of acetone, butanol and ethanol for further study The Langmuir model was used to fit the experimental data for both gas and liquid phase adsorption. The selected sorbents will be used to adsorb acetone, butanol and ethanol vapor for gas-phase single component adsorption equilibrium study and analysis by the gravimetric adsorption equilibrium apparatus. Then the breakthrough curves of each compound in ABE solution by the selected sorbents in liquid phase were obtained by using gas chromatograph.
Keyword: Adsorption, Acetone, Butanol, Ethanol, Immobilization Starch Sorbent