2012 AIChE Annual Meeting

(560h) Role of LES On Fostering Innovation in the "Composer-Style Engineer"

This preesentation will describe the collaboration betweeen Chemical Engineering and the Dpt of Curriculum Instruction at the Tennessee Technological Unversity, Cookeville, TN on the implementation and role of the Linear Engineering Sequence (LES) on the develoment of the "Composer-Style Engineering" as one of the most effetive appoeaches for the NAE 2020 MNodel. The discussion will share the design, implemnetation and assesment of LES for the Junior Level Fluid Mechanic of the Chemical Engineering Curriculum. Students have been introduced to various approaches for fostering innovation in engineering education and "coached" to identify "needs" that they can connect with the fundamental aspects of the course in order to produce an innovation. This needs to address several items including planning, design, testing and bussiness plans for possible commerciallization of the innovation. Students are not given any need or help to select a possible solution for such a need. The students are also exposed to various model of cirtical thinking such as the Bloom Taxonom and require to make a connection with them durign the process of innovation. A pannel of judges assess the final innovation in a poster format, learning session of three hours. The panel is composed of the same number of judges as teams so that during the 'learning-assesment" session a constant flow of assessors are with the teams.
See more of this Session: Free Forum on Engineering Education: Junior and Senior Years

See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division