2012 AIChE Annual Meeting

(421b) Nanoexposed! – A Freshman Introduction to Nanotechnology


Myers, O., Mississippi State University
Koshka, Y., Mississippi State University
Thibaudeau, G., Mississippi State University
Henington, C. D., Mississippi State University

NanoExposed! is a 1 hour weekly seminar course that aims to familiarize freshmen with basic nanotechnology concepts in an exciting way.   The course is taught by a multidisciplinary team of faculty from chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering, and biological sciences to emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology.  This presentation includes an overview of the course structure and topics covered.  The topics included synthesis of nanoparticles and nanostructures, characterization of nanomaterials, current applications, and possible future applications.  The focus in this course is on property and functional differences between the nanoscale and the bulk scale.  Examples given in this presentation will predominantly come from the chemical engineering section of the course, but the overlap with other disciplines will also be discussed. 

Portions of this presentation, but not the entire presentation, have been presented previously as a poster1 and as an oral presentation2.  This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1042114. 

  1. Hill, P. J., Koshka, Y., Myers, O. J., Thibaudeau, G., and Henington, C. D., NanoExposed! – An Introduction to Nanotechnology. 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
  2. Hill, P. J., NanoExposed! – Chemical Applications in Nanotechnology, ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Mississippi State, MS, April 2012.
See more of this Session: Free Forum On Engineering Education: The First Year Experience

See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division