2012 AIChE Annual Meeting
(388af) Effect of the Flow Field of An Internally Spout-Fluid Bed On Dispersion of Glass Fibre for Thermoplastic Composites Manufacture
Effect of the Flow Field of an Internally Spout-fluid
Bed on
Dispersion of Glass Fiber for Thermoplastic Composites Manufacture
Yuan Zonga, Xiaogang Yangb, Gance Daia, Ling Zhaoa*
a Department of Chemical
East China University
of Science and Technology,
Shanghai 200239 China
b Institute for Arts, Science and
Glyndŵr University, Wrexham, LL11 2AW UK
*Corresponding Author's
E-mails: zhaoling@ecust.edu.cn
Keywords: Fibre
flocs; Dispersion; Spout-fluid
bed; Numerical simulation
The mechanical and thermal properties of glass
fibre-reinforced thermoplastics have close
relationship with the impregnation of glass fiber by high viscosity resin. A novel methodology
of dispersion and pre-mixing for
components integratedly by applying a modified
spout-fluid bed has been pioneered by State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering
(China). The modified spout-fluid bed was mounted draft tube and disk-baffle to
endow it with special flow field. The mechanics of fiber dispersion in the
internally spout-fluid bed was
investigated using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) modeling and reported in a previous paper (Zong, Yang and Dai, 2011). This study attempts to reveal correlations
between fibre dispersion and the flow field by numerical
simulation. The motion of fibers was modeled by species transport equation, coupled
with the turbulent shear flow in the spout-fluid bed. The
correlation between the fibre concentration and local vorticity was obtained from the simulation. The results showed existence of a
strong correlation between the glass fiber concentration and local vorticity. A
local high vorticity corresponds a relatively high glass fiber concentration.
Due to the addition of the internals (draft tube and disk-baffle) into the
spout-fluid bed, the flow field were significantly altered and has a
characteristics of relatively uniquely distribution of high turbulence, which
was proved to be benefit to the manufacture of fiber reinforced thermoplastic.
1. Zong, Y.,
Yang, X. and Dai, G. (2011) Design simulation of glass-fiber-loaded flow in an
internally spout-fluidized bed for processing of thermoplastic composites. I.
Flow characterization. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50(15), pp.
9181-9196 .
Fig.1. Time-averaged LES velocity
Fig. 2 Velocity vector in entry region and
impinging region. (a) impinging region; (b) entry region.
Fig. 3 Turbulent kinetic energy distribution at
different position( DN is the diameter of the spouting nozzle). (a ) Along the centerline; (b) impinging region z/DN=32.2;(c)
outlet region z/DN=38.9.
Fig. 4 Axial Reynolds stress along the
centerline. (a) ¦Ñuz'2;(b) ¦Ñur'2
Fig. 5 Vorticity
distribution and corresponding fiber distribution inside the reactor. (a)
Vorticity distribution ; (b) Fiber concentration distribution
Fig.6 Distribution of correlation coefficient
|¦Ã| at different position.( a) axial distribution
along the centerline;(b) radial distributions at z/Db=32.2 and z/Db=38.9
Fig.7 Profiles of flocculation intensity (Fl)
at different location. (a)
axial distribution along the centerline£»(b) radial distributions
at z/Db=32.2 and z/Db=38.9 .
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum