2012 AIChE Annual Meeting

(31b) Single Molecule Tracking At Wet Interfaces

Interactions between molecules and surfaces lead to complex and highly-varied interfacial behavior, where heterogeneity may arise from spatial variation of the surface/interface itself or from molecular configurations (i.e. conformation, orientation, aggregation state, etc.). The direct observation of adsorption, interfacial diffusion, and desorption of individual fluorescent molecules permits the characterization of heterogeneous interfacial behavior in ways that are inaccessible to traditional ensemble-averaged methods. Moreover, spectral information can be used to simultaneously track molecular configuration. Single-molecule tracking experiments have traditionally been limited by small sample sizes (e.g. a few hundred molecules), leading to poor statistical significance and a lack of sensitivity to rare populations.  However, new advances in high-throughput tracking methods now enable hundreds of thousands of molecules to be followed in a given experiment.  This approach has recently been used to characterize heterogeneous molecule-surface interactions including: multiple modes of diffusion and desorption associated with both internal and external molecular configuration, Arrhenius activated interfacial transport, spatially dependent interactions, and others.
See more of this Session: Interfacial Phenomena Plenary Session

See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals