2012 AIChE Annual Meeting

(273a) Pressure Signal Analysis and Bubble Behavior in a 3D Fluidized Bed. Comparison of Experimental Data and Computational Results


Abbasi, A. - Presenter, Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto
Ege, P. E., Reactech Process Development Inc.
Islam, M. A., University of Western Ontario

The present study compares computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation of a cylindrical fluidized bed with experimental pressure and optical probe measurements in a bed of close  dimensions and operating under the same conditions.  The applied CFD model is a hybrid of the continuum and discrete approaches. It allows to describe using particle size distributions, the dense solid phase, the bubble behavior and the bed dynamics. The main objective of this study is to establish a methodology for validating CFD simulation with experimental data, The fluidized bed is 0.1016m internal diameter and 1m height.  The bed is filled with Geldart B silicon particles to a packed bed height of 0.28 m. The particle size distribution is between 25 to 500micron. With proper tuning of the CFD model, both bed dynamics as measured by wall mounted pressure probes and bubble characteristics, retrieved from the experimental optical signals, can predict both particle fraction and pressure variations.  Bubble characteristics compare fairly well at different radial and axial positions. This validation demonstrates that CFD modeling can be validated with measurements establishing confidence in the simulation for fluidized bed reactor units.
See more of this Session: Fundamentals of Fluidization II

See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum