2012 AIChE Annual Meeting
(238a) The Autocovariance Least-Squares Method for Batch Processes: Application to Experimental Chemical Systems
Heat flow calorimetry is frequently used to monitor and control batch and semibatch polymerization reactions[1–5].This technique requires the determination of the overall heat transfer coefficient between the reaction medium and the jacket (UA), which is a function of not only the reactor setup (geometry and wall material) and operating conditions (stirring and cooling fluid flow rate), but also of the properties of the reaction medium that can change throughout the polymerizations, as the viscosity can increase drastically and fouling at the reactor wall can occur. Different approaches for the estimation of UA have been proposed in the literature, for example, temperature oscillation calorimetry (OC)[6], Luenberger observer (LO)[7], extended Kalman filter (EKF)[8], cascaded observers (CO)[9] and Unscented Kalman filter (UKF)[10]. These techniques have presented the following issues: difficulty to be extended to industrial applications (e.g., OC), disregard of the stochastic nature of the system (e.g., LO), complex calibration procedure (e.g., CO), and the presence of negative estimates during the process (e.g., EKF and UKF). On the other hand, Moving Horizon Estimator (MHE) is a more robust estimator that can incorporate restrictions to its states and handle nonlinear models[11]. Unlike a recursive-based estimator (e.g., EKF and UKF), the MHE is based on the solution of an optimization problem at each time step. To obtain accurate estimates, the covariance matrices of the process (Q) and of the measurement noises (R) must be provided to specify the statistics of such estimators. These covariances are typically determined by trial and error, but for real applications, the covariance calculation can be a challenging problem. The estimation of the covariances can be performed by several techniques for batch and semibatch processes, including the linearized and Monte Carlo approach[12], the direct optimization[13], the direct and sensitivity method[14]. Recently, the Autocovariance Least-Squares (ALS) method has emerged as a viable solution to estimate process and measurement noise covariances for continuous systems (linear and nonlinear) for simulated and experimental data[15–17]. This presentation will discuss the extension of the ALS technique to address batch processes and the application of this method to laboratory chemical systems.
First, some important aspects of covariance and state estimation will be introduced; then, three experimental systems will be presented: 1) the hydrolysis of acetic anhydride carried out with excess of water in three different non-adiabatic vessels: (a) a cylindrical plastic vessel, (b) a volumetric flask, and (c) a thermal bottle or Dewar flask[18]; 2) the in-line monitoring of a batch emulsion polymerization reactor (without initiator), heated to the reaction temperature by three different temperature trajectories (step, ramp and arc); 3) the vinyl acetate emulsion polymerization in a semibatch reactor, where the reactions were started as a conventional batch emulsion polymerization, and then after 20 min, monomer additions were performed with 10 min intervals[19]. Finally, the problem of the simultaneous online estimation of states and parameters in these systems, using EKF, UKF and MHE with statistics defined by ALS, will be discussed in terms of the accuracy of the estimated variables. Preliminary results associated with the hydrolysis of acetic anhydride indicated that the UKF is more effective than the EKF to monitor the reactors under different conditions with heuristic diagonal covariances[20]. This work will show that high-quality estimates for this and the other experimental systems in focus are obtained when the statistics of the state estimators are systematically determined by ALS, especially for the implementation of the MHE in systems under repeated perturbations.
[1] L. M. Gugliotta, M. Arot, J. R. Leiza, and J. M. Asuaf, “Estimation of conversion and copolymer composition in semicontinuous emulsion polymerization using calorimetric data,” Polymer, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 2019-2023, 1995.
[2] I. Sa, D. Buruaga, P. D. Armitage, R. Leiza, and M. Asua, “Nonlinear Control for Maximum Production Rate of Latexes of Well-Defined Polymer Composition,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 36, no. 1992, pp. 4243-4254, 1997.
[3] C. Sayer, E. L. Lima, J. C. Pinto, G. Arzamendi, and J. M. Asua, “Molecular weight distribution in composition controlled emulsion copolymerization,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol. 38, no. 7, p. 1100, Apr. 2000.
[4] M. Esposito, C. Sayer, R. a. F. Machado, and P. H. H. Araújo, “Effect of Cooling Fluid Flow Rate on the Estimation of Conversion by Calorimetry in a Lab-Scale Reactor,” Macromolecular Symposia, vol. 271, no. 1, pp. 38-47, Sep. 2008.
[5] F. B. Freire and R. Giudici, “Temperature oscillation calorimetry by means of a Kalman-like observer: the joint estimation of Qr and UA in a stirred tank polymerization reactor,” Macromolecular Symposia, vol. 206, no. 1, pp. 15-28, Feb. 2004.
[6] R. Carloff, A. Prob, and K. H. Reichert, “Temperature oscillation calorimetry in stirred tank reactors with variable heat transfer,” Chemical Engineering & Technology, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 406-413, 1994.
[7] G. Fevotte, T. F. McKenna, S. Othman, and A. M. Santos, “A combined hardware/software sensing approach for on-line control of emulsion polymerisation processes,” Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 22, no. 98, p. S443-S449, 1998.
[8] R. Gesthuisen, S. Krämer, G. Niggemann, J. R. Leiza, and J. M. Asua, “Determining the best reaction calorimetry technique: theoretical development,” Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 349-365, Jan. 2005.
[9] S. Benamor, D. Colombie, and T. Mckenna, “Online Reaction Calorimetry. Applications to the Monitoring of Emulsion Polymerization without Samples or Models of the Heat-Transfer Coefficient,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 41, no. 17, pp. 4233-4241, 2002.
[10] F. D. Rincon, M. Esposito, P. H. H. Araújo, G. A. C. Le Roux, and C. Sayer, “Calorimetric estimation employing Unscented Kalman Filtering for a batch emulsion polymerization reactor,” In preparation.
[11] C. V. Rao and J. B. Rawlings, “Constrained Process Monitoring : Moving-Horizon Approach,” AIChE Journal, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 97-109, 2002.
[12] J. Valappil and C. Georgakis, “Systematic Estimation of State Noise Statistics for Extended Kalman Filters,” AIChE Journal, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 292-308, 2000.
[13] D. I. Wilson and M. Agarwal, “Experiences implementing the extended Kalman filter on an industrial batch reactor,” Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1653-1672, 1998.
[14] N. P. G. Salau, J. O. Trierweiler, A. R. Secchi, and W. Marquardt, “A new process noise covariance matrix tuning algorithm for Kalman based state estimators,” 7th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 572-, 2009.
[15] M. R. Rajamani and J. B. Rawlings, “Estimation of the disturbance structure from data using semidefinite programming and optimal weighting,” Automatica, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 142-148, Jan. 2009.
[16] F. V. Lima and J. B. Rawlings, “Nonlinear Stochastic Modeling to Improve State Estimation in Process Monitoring and Control,” AIChE Journal, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 996-1007, 2011.
[17] F. V. Lima, M. R. Rajamani, T. A. Soderstrom, and J. B. Rawlings, “Covariance and state estimation of weakly observable systems: application to polymerization processes,” Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Ctl. Sys. Tech, 2012.
[18] W. H. Hirota, R. B. Rodrigues, C. Sayer, and R. Giudici, “Hydrolysis of acetic anhydride: Non-adiabatic calorimetric determination of kinetics and heat exchange,” Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 3849-3858, Jun. 2010.
[19] M. Esposito, C. Sayer, and P. H. H. de Araújo, “In-Line Monitoring of Emulsion Polymerization Reactions Combining Heat Flow and Heat Balance Calorimetry,” Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, vol. 4, no. 11-12, pp. 682-690, Aug. 2010.
[20] F. D. Rincon, W. H. Hirota, C. Sayer, G. A. C. Le Roux, and R. Giudici, “Parameter estimation via Kalman filters and Luenberger-like observer,” In preparation.
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