2011 Annual Meeting

(70e) Compositional and Mixing State Impacts On Size-Resolved CCN Concentrations In Atlanta, Georgia, During 2008-2009


Moore, R. H. - Presenter, Georgia Institute of Technology
Padro, L. T. - Presenter, Tufts University
Nenes, A. - Presenter, Georgia Institute of Technology
McLaughlin, M. - Presenter, Georgia Institute of Technology

The effect of organic species on the cloud droplet formation process constitutes a large source of uncertainty in aerosol-cloud-climate interactions studies. In-situ size-resolved measurements of the Cloud Condensation Nucleus (CCN) activity of ambient aerosol can unravel such complex chemical effects. The city of Atlanta provides a unique environment for exploring the interplay between the anthropogenic emissions of a major metropolitan area (believed to be predominantly SO2 and (NH­4)2SO4 with some organic contribution) with biogenic emissions from surrounding forest and farmland (believed to be comprised of mostly organics), and their relative contribution to the aerosol size distribution and chemical mixing state, and, thus, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN).

We present a comprehensive characterization of aerosol and CCN sampled in Midtown Atlanta during the period of August 2008 to August 2009, which includes continuous observations over a nine-month period on the Georgia Tech Rooftop Measurement Platform (in midtown Atlanta) and also during the month-long 2008 AMIGAS and 2009 NCCN intensive campaigns at the Jefferson Street monitoring site. CCN were measured with a Droplet Measurement Technologies Continuous-Flow Streamwise Thermal-Gradient Chamber1,2, operated in spectrometer mode using Scanning Flow CCN Analysis3 (SFCA), or size-resolved counter mode using Scanning Mobility CCN Analysis4 (SMCA).  SFCA and SMCA were used to provide size-resolved CCN concentrations over a variety of particle sizes (40-120 nm) and supersaturations (0.1-1%) with high temporal resolution.

The daily trend of the mixing state, CCN activity, and droplet growth kinetics of the size-resolved CCN are presented and compared to chemical composition measurements. Inferences about the impact of photochemistry and mixing on CCN activity, hygroscopic uptake and droplet activation kinetics are carried out. We also quantify the predictive uncertainty associated with simplifying compositional assumptions (e.g., size-invariant composition, organic insoluble/soluble with constant hygroscopicity) used for predicting CCN concentrations in global climate models.

1Roberts, G. and A. Nenes. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 2005

2Lance et al., Aerosol Sci. Technol., 2006

3Moore, R.H. and A. Nenes.  Aerosol Sci. Technol., 2009

4Moore, R.H., A. Nenes, and J. Medina.  Aerosol Sci. Technol., 2010