2011 Annual Meeting

(62b) Controls of Microalgal Biomass and Lipid Production In Municipal Wastewater-Fed Bioreactors


Smith, V. H. - Presenter, University of Kansas
Fortier, M. - Presenter, University of Kansas
deNoyelles, F. J. - Presenter, Kansas Biological Survey

The use of wastewater as a nutrient source for algal growth as a biodiesel feedstock could increase the viability of this process and reduce wastewater discharge of N and P compounds.  In this study, four algal bioreactors were fed continuously with municipal wastewater effluent over a six month period; these were monitored weekly to determine algal biomass and lipid production, nutrient removal, and carbon and nutrient availability.  Algal biomass production ranged from 0.78 to 15.9 g dry weight m-2 d-1 over the experimental period.  Algal reactors removed 19% of dissolved nitrogen and 43% of dissolved phosphorus from wastewater effluent.  A stoichiometric analysis of particulates revealed that algal biomass had far lower C:P ratios (67:1) and N:P ratios (6:1), but higher C:N ratios (17:1), than Redfield values.  These data suggest that the algae produced were rich in phosphorus, and that N was likely to be growth-limiting in these systems.  Numerous studies also suggest that algal biomass can be enhanced by providing CO2 in excess of normal atmospheric concentrations, and that algal biofuel production can contribute to CO2 sequestration efforts.  In order to optimize nutrient removal in wastewater-fed algal reactors, and to determine the potential for CO2 sequestration, future reactor engineering research should continue to incorporate the expertise of ecological stoichiometry.