2011 Annual Meeting
(496f) Visualization and Temperature Analysis of Alternative Fuel Particle Combustion In a Drop Tube Furnace
A lab-scale particle drop tube furnace with visualization windows was operated at conditions that simulate energy generation in cement manufacturing processes. A high resolution color camera obtained high speed and high magnification images of individual particles undergoing combustion in the drop tube. Image processing and analysis are described that use the three color components of the images to determine the spatial distribution of temperature for the particle surfaces. Temperature fields and temperature profiles will be presented for particles of pulverized coal, wood, and switch grass undergoing combustion in various combustion gas conditions. Combustion phenomena and characteristics observed in the visualization studies as well as char particle and effluent gas analysis are shown to elucidate effects of fuel type, particle size and shape, and operating conditions of the furnace. Development of a combustion and transport model based on the measured temperature profiles is described for prediction of performance of alternative fuels in cement manufacturing and energy generation.