2011 Annual Meeting
(313d) Heterogeneous Microbial Populations: Using Flow Cytometric Data for Building Dynamic Distributed Models
Traditionally, microbial populations
have been considered homogeneous in studies of fermentation processes. However,
research has shown that a typical microbial population in a fermentor is
heterogeneous [1-3].
to the metabolic processes within single cells. Two dominant cell variables
responsible for differential gene expression are cell cycle and cell ageing [4].
Indeed, cells at different phases in the cell cycle, or with different ages,
have been observed to respond differently to stress conditions [1].
analysis has boomed [5, 6], the knowledge acquired by such experimental studies
has not yet been integrated into a generally accepted modeling framework able
to account for distributed properties within a cell population [3].
modeling, the dynamics of phenotypic heterogeneous populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
during batch cultivations. Besides the common monitored variables (e.g. optical
density, glucose, ethanol), single-cell total protein content and DNA content
were measured by flow cytometry during the different
phases of batch cultivations. Aiming at establishing a population balance model
(PBM) which describes the dynamic behavior of the yeast
population (including the relative contribution of different subpopulations), a
systematic analysis of the flow cytometric data was
performed, and mathematical descriptions for the budding initiation and cell
division rates as functions of the available substrate concentration are
[1] Avery
SV. Microbial cell individuality and the underlying sources of heterogeneity.
Nat Rev Microbiol 2006; 4:577-587.
[2] Enfors SO, Jahic M, Rozkov A, Xu B, Hecker M, J?rgen B et al. Physiological
responses to mixing in large scale bioreactors. J Biotechnol 2001; 85:175-185.
[3] M?ller S, Harms H, Bley
T. Origin and analysis of microbial population heterogeneity in bioprocesses.
Curr Opin Biotechnol 2010; 21:100-113.
[4] Sumner ER, Avery SV.
Phenotypic heterogeneity: differential stress resistance among individual cells
of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Microbiology 2002M; 148:345-351.
[5] Schmid A, Kortmann H,
Dittrich PS, Blank LM. Chemical and biological single cell analysis. Curr Opin
Biotechnol 2010; 21:12-20.
[6] Lencastre
Fernandes R, Nierychlo M, Lundin L, Pedersen AE,
Puentes Tellez PE, Dutta A et al. Experimental
methods and modeling techniques for description of cell population
heterogeneity. Biotechnol Adv
2011; doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.03.007