2011 Annual Meeting

(287a) Multi-Period Optimisation Design of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Processes

There have been several design and optimisation studies in the context of amine-based post-combustion CO2 capture (PC-CC) from coal-fired power stations, and it is well accepted that the principal contributor to the capital-cost (CAPEX) of amine-based PC-CC is the absorber, with the majority of operating cost (OPEX) being accounted for by solvent regeneration[1]. However, the majority of these studies consider only the maximal stable generation (MSG) point of the power station. In reality, many power-plants do not operate consistently at the MSG. Thus, the cost optimal design of a PC-CC process must account for the dynamic operation of many fossil-fuel power-plants. The economic operation of a decarbonised fossil-fired power-plant is a complex trade-off between the time varying cost-of-electricity and cost of fuel. These variables will in turn affect the cost-optimal degree of CO2 capture, and thus the design and operation of the CO2 capture plant.

In this work, we present a new approach for the multi-period design of an integrated coal-fired power-plant and an alkanolamine-based CO2 capture process. A validated[2] rate-based model of an absorber/stripper system for the chemisorption of acid gas in aqueous solvent solutions is used to represent the CO2 capture process. To account for the non-idealities that are typical of amines and water, the statistical associating fluid theory for potentials of variable range (SAFT-VR)[3],[4] is used. This is a molecular approach, specifically suited to associating fluids. The SAFT formalism is used to represent some of the equilibrium reactions characterising the system, thereby simplifying the description of the chemical reactions[5]. The dynamic operation of the power-plant is described using data obtained from a real power station describing the variation in fuel burn rates in response to changing power demand. As we lack a thermodynamically consistent method in describing the degradation effects of SOx on the solvents, we consider a model flue gas comprising N2, CO2 and H2O. All models are implemented in the gPROMS[6] software package.

Cost-optimal process design and operation are identified via a constrained, multi-parametric optimisation approach. The objective function is the minimisation of total process cost (both CAPEX and OPEX) per unit of CO2 captured. The design variables are the flowrate and state of the lean solvent stream as well as column geometry.  Key performance indicators such as CO2 emissions, solvent losses to the environment as well as the minimisation of energy required for solvent regeneration and also minimisation of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere are included in the optimality criteria.

[1] Mac Dowell, N. et al, Energy. Environ. Sci., 3, 2010, 1645-1669

[2] Mac Dowell, N., Galindo, A., Jackson, G and Adjiman, C. S., Comp. Aided Chem.  Eng., 28, 2010, 1231-1236

[3] Chapman, W.G., Gubbins, K.E., Jackson, G. & Radosz, M., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 29, 1709-1721., 1990

[4] Gil-Villegas, A., Galindo, A., Whitehead, P. J., Mills, S. J. & Jackson, G., J. Chem. Phys. 106 (10), 1997

[5] Mac Dowell, N., Llovell, F., Adjiman, C. S.,  Jackson, G and Galindo, A., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49(4), 1883-1899, 2010

[6] Process Systems Enterprise (PSE) Ltd. http://www.psenterprise.com/index.html