2011 Annual Meeting

(22d) HycycleS: Materials and Components for Hydrogen Production by Sulphur Based Thermochemical Cycles - Summary of Key Results From the European Collaborative Project

HycycleS is a European Framework 7 project focussing on the decomposition of sulphuric acid, a key step in the Hybrid Sulphur and Sulphur Iodine thermochemical cycles.  The final aim is to bring thermochemical water splitting closer to realisation by improving the efficiency, stability, practicability, and costs of the key components involved and by elaborating detailed engineering solutions.  The project started in January 2008 and was completed at the end of March 2011. 

In the HycycleS project, emphasis is put on materials and components for sulphuric acid evaporation, decomposition, and sulphur dioxide separation.   In particular, corrosion testing of materials for construction and catalysts has been undertaken and catalyst materials have been investigated for their activity in sulphuric acid decomposition.  The largest SiC heat exchanger reactor in the world has been built.  Experiments have been conducted in a solar receiver reactor and a model of the reactor created.  Thermodynamic data for the SO2-O2-H2O system has been collected and high temperature ceramic membranes have been investigated for their use in SO2/O2 separation.  Finally a cost analysis for the cycles has been conducted.  This paper will present the key results of the project.