2011 Annual Meeting

(190w) Sintering Rate and Mechanism of TiO2 Nanoparticles by Molecular Dynamics


Pratsinis, S. E. - Presenter, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Particle Technology Laboratory, ETH Zurich

Sintering Rate and Mechanism of TiO2

by Molecular Dynamics

B. Buesser, A.J. Gröhn and S.E. Pratsinis

Particle Technology Laboratory, Institute of Process Engineering,

Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH
Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

Titania (TiO2)
nanoparticles have many attractive applications in photovoltaic1 and photocatalytic2 processes, to name a few.
The performance of TiO2 nanoparticles depends considerably on their
size and composition which are determined by the sintering rate during their synthesis.
The sintering rate is crucial for designing of gas-phase processes with
controlled product particle size, structure, composition and eventual
performance in a number of applications3.

Kobata et
4 and Seto et al.5 have proposed sintering
rates for TiO2 and validated them by accounting for the detailed
fluid mechanics of their hot wall reactors forming rather large TiO2
nanoparticles (dp = 10 ? 100 nm). Little is known, however,
for the sintering rate of small TiO2 nanoparticles (dp
< 10 nm) as it is difficult to reliably measure it.

On the other
hand molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used to study the sintering
to full coalescence of metallic and metalloid nanoparticles6,7 though much less has been
done for ceramic ones as their force fields and potentials are difficult to
determine. Koparde and Cummings8 investigated the
sintering of two TiO2 nanoparticles up to t = 0.5 ns by
tracking the shrinkage of the center-to-center distance and the growth of the
sintering neck using the force field of Matsui and Akaogi9. They
compared MD with phenomenological sintering models and investigated the melting
of TiO2 nanoparticles10.

The above MD of
TiO2 sintering have reached up to 0.5 ns residence time, a duration
that is not sufficient for complete coalescence. So most of the surface area
reduction of such small particles has taken place by adhesion and neck growth
that limited the detailed understanding of sintering mechanisms and, most
importantly, the extraction of quantitative sintering rates that are needed in
process design of nanoparticle manufacturing.

sintering of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles is investigated by graphical
processing unit (GPU) accelerated MD11 from adhesion and neck
growth to finally full coalescence up to several hundred nanoseconds. This
allows determining the sintering rate of very small TiO2
nanoparticles (dp < 5 nm) by monitoring the evolution of
their surface area (Figure 1). For the smallest particle diameters, the
MD-obtained sintering rates were smaller than that predicted by theory
developed for larger particles4,5. Ions on the particle
surface exhibited higher net displacement than bulk ones revealing that surface
diffusion is the dominant sintering mechanism of TiO2 nanoparticles.
An expression for the sintering rate of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles
has been extracted from MD, bridging the gap of knowledge from a few molecules
to several nanometers, the key size range for nanoparticle properties and
performance. This MD-derived sintering rate facilitates the use of phenomenological
models12 in design of processes
for large scale manufacture and processing of small nanoparticles13.

Financial support from the Swiss National Science
Foundation (SNF) grant # 200021-119946/1 and European Research Council is
gratefully acknowledged.


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cells. Nature. 2001; 414, (6861), 338-344.

2.             Formenti M, Juillet F, Meriaudeau
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of ultraviolet radiation. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1972; 39, (1),

3.             Strobel R, Pratsinis SE. Flame
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17, 4743-4756.

4.             Kobata A, Kusakabe K, Morooka S.
Growth and transformation of TiO2 crystallites in aerosol reactor. AIChE
1991; 37, (3), 347-359.

5.             Seto T, Shimada M, Okuyama K.
Evaluation of sintering of nanometer-sized titania using aerosol method. Aerosol
Sci. Technol.
1995; 23, (2), 183-200.

6.             Arcidiacono S, Bieri NR, Poulikakos
D, Grigoropoulos CP. On the coalescence of gold nanoparticles. Int. J.
Multiphas. Flow.
2004; 30, (7-8), 979-994.

7.             Zachariah MR, Carrier MJ. Molecular
dynamics computation of gas-phase nanoparticle sintering: a comparison with
phenomenological models. J. Aerosol Sci. 1999; 30, (9), 1139-1151.

8.             Koparde VN, Cummings PT. Molecular
dynamics simulation of titanium dioxide nanoparticle sintering. J. Phys.
Chem. B.
2005; 109, (51), 24280-24287.

9.             Matsui M, Akaogi M. Molecular
dynamics simulation of the strucutral and physical properties of the four
polymorphs of TiO2. Mol. Simulat. 1991; 6, 239-244.

10.          Koparde VN, Cummings PT. Sintering of
titanium dioxide nanoparticles: a comparison between molecular dynamics and
phenomenological modeling. J. Nanopart. Res. 2008; 10, (7), 1169-1182.

11.          Garland M, Le Grand S, Nickolls J,
Anderson J, Hardwick J, Morton S, Phillips E, Yao Z, Volkov V. Parallel
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12.          Koch W, Friedlander SK. The effect of
particle coalescence on the surface area of a coagulating aerosol. J.
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1990; 140, (2), 419-427.

13.          Pratsinis SE. Aerosol-based
technologies in nanoscale manufacturing: from functional materials to devices
through core chemical engineering. AIChE J. 2010; 56, (12), 3028-3035.


Figure C - MD 3nm 1800K dt 1 with pictures.jpg

Evolution of
surface area of two TiO2 nanoparticles (d0 = 3 nm)
at 1800 K.